Flight Attendant Gives Hilarious Response To An Arrogant Rich Woman

The airline industry has certainly faced its fair share of challenges in recent years. Not only do flight attendants have to deal with passengers who are often frustrated, but they also need to manage these situations with a pleasant demeanor. As you can imagine, it can be incredibly challenging for them to refrain from expressing what they truly feel. However, when they do get the chance to speak their minds, the outcome can be absolutely priceless. This is precisely what happened in a recent incident involving a male flight attendant and a pompous, wealthy passenger. The resulting exchange will undoubtedly leave you in stitches.

In this memorable encounter, a gay flight attendant had a unique way of handling a snooty passenger who refused to put her tray table up for landing. Despite being politely asked to adjust her tray, the woman remained obstinate and responded in a condescending manner. You won’t believe his response!

During my flight, an obviously gay flight attendant was serving us, and his flamboyant personality put everyone in a great mood as he offered food and beverages.

As the plane was preparing to descend, he pranced down the aisle and made the following announcement:

“Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he’ll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super.”

On his return trip up the aisle, he noticed an exceptionally well-dressed and exotic young woman who hadn’t budged an inch.

“Perhaps you didn’t hear me over those big brute engines, but I asked you to raise your tray so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground,” he remarked.

The woman calmly turned her head and replied, “In my country, I am called a Princess, and I take orders from no one.”

Without skipping a beat, the flight attendant retorted:

“Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I’m called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray up, Bitch.”