Plastic Surgeons Weigh in on Melania Trump’s Appearance

Conspiracy theories about Melania Trump using a body double on election day have been put to rest by experts who suggest that her altered appearance is the result of cosmetic procedures such as Botox, fillers, and a nose job.

In a 2016 interview with GC, Melania insisted that she was all natural and had not made any changes to her face. She expressed her opposition to Botox and injections, stating that she believed they could damage the face and nerves. Melania declared her intention to age gracefully, like her mother.

However, on election day, Melania was spotted wearing oversized sunglasses indoors, which raised public curiosity. Social media users speculated that the sunglasses were used to hide recent cosmetic work or even to conceal her identity. The theory gained traction online, leading to the trending hashtag #FakeMelania, with netizens suggesting that a body double might have replaced her at the polls.

Plastic surgeons have now offered their professional insights into Melania’s appearance to debunk the body double theory. Dr. Dennis Schimpf, a cosmetic plastic surgeon, suggests that Melania may have had additional filler work done to anticipate the intense media focus after the election. Fillers, commonly used for cheek plumping and jawline contouring, are a popular choice among celebrities who want to achieve a youthful and well-defined look without undergoing surgery.

Another surgeon, Dr. Thomas Barnes, commented that Melania simply looked tired. According to Dr. Barnes, high-stress periods, such as those leading up to the elections, can take a visible toll on a person’s appearance due to rigorous travel and public appearances.

Dr. Gary Motykie, a plastic surgeon to the stars, has noticed a change in Melania’s nose. He suspects that she has undergone at least one rhinoplasty, as her nose appears smaller and more defined. Additionally, he believes that Melania likely undergoes maintenance work, such as fillers in the mid-face, cheeks, lips, and regular Botox treatments. According to Dr. Motykie, these procedures could amount to nearly $50,000.

While some online users joke that Melania gets a pass for her appearance due to being married to the president elect, others express their disapproval of her physical tweaks. It is worth noting that opinions on her cosmetic procedures are divided, with some praising her beauty and others criticizing the changes to her face.

What do you think about these rumors? Share your thoughts with us and join the discussion about the president’s gorgeous wife!