If you press this point on your foot before bed, this is what it does to your body

In our busy modern society, getting quality sleep can often feel like catching a unicorn. Factors like stress, anxiety, and lifestyle habits can all mess up our chances of enjoying a good night’s sleep.

One trending natural remedy is pressing specific points on your foot to help you sleep better. This technique is rooted in ancient practices such as acupressure and reflexology. It’s not only safe and non-invasive but can be easily added to your nightly routine without needing any fancy gadgets.

Feeling doubtful about how a simple press on your foot could help you sleep peacefully? Keep reading. By the end of this article, you’ll understand how a small action can make a big difference to your overall well-being. Discover the science behind this technique and how you can use it to improve your sleep quality.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology is a practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and ears. These points are believed to correspond to different organs and systems in the body. By stimulating these points, reflexology aims to promote relaxation and healing.

The Specific Point: Tai Chong (Liver 3)

1. Location:

Tai Chong, also called Liver 3 (LV3), is found on the top of your foot, just where the big toe and second toe meet. You can locate it by sliding your finger down between the two toes and feeling for a slight depression.

2. Function:

In traditional Chinese medicine, Tai Chong is famous for its ability to ease stress, reduce anxiety, and encourage overall relaxation—all essential for a restful night’s sleep.

3. How to Apply Pressure:

Use your thumb to press gently yet firmly on this point for 2-3 minutes. It works best when done just before you go to bed.

Benefits of Pressing Tai Chong Before Sleep

1. Reduces Anxiety:

Stimulating this point can help lower anxiety levels, which often stop us from falling asleep.

2. Alleviates Stress:

Pressing Tai Chong can help reduce stress levels, preparing your mind and body for sleep.

3. Promotes Detoxification:

This point is linked to the liver, an organ key in the detoxification process. Better liver function equals better overall health.

4. Improves Sleep Quality:

By reducing stress and anxiety and encouraging relaxation, pressing this point can lead to deeper and more restorative sleep.


Incorporating the practice of pressing the Tai Chong point into your nightly routine can offer multiple benefits for your body, especially in improving sleep quality. It may seem simple, but traditional practices like reflexology have lasted through the ages for good reason. Next time you find yourself tossing and turning, try pressing this point on your foot and feel its calming effects.