Weird Things All Women Secretly Do in the Bathroom. Men Will Be Speechless

The bathroom is a sanctuary where people shower, refresh, and prepare themselves for the day. While both men and women rely on the bathroom for personal hygiene, there are some quirky habits that many women have behind closed doors that they might never openly discuss.

Staring at Their Own Behind

Many women take a moment to glance at their behind in the mirror, checking out their reflection from different angles.

Responding to Messages

It’s common for women to catch up on texts and messages while on the toilet, making use of every moment of privacy.

Making Funny Faces

The bathroom mirror becomes an arena for pulling silly faces, often to amuse themselves or relieve stress before stepping out.

Farting Super Loud

There’s a unique comfort and liberation in being able to fart loudly where no one else can hear — the empty women’s room offers that freedom.

Playing with Hair

Swirling hair strands on the shower tiles to create interesting or gross patterns is another quirky habit.

Shaving Gymnastics

In an effort to get those hard-to-reach spots, women often find themselves in elaborate gymnastic poses while shaving in the shower.

Turning Off the Tap with Their Toe

An attempt, often unsuccessful, women try to turn off the bath tap using their toes to avoid stepping out of the warm water.

Shaking Dry

When there’s no toilet paper around, they may try to shake themselves dry after peeing, knowing it might not be completely effective.

Making Ugly Faces

Women sometimes pull the ugliest faces they can in the mirror just to see their own reflection in a different light.

Dance Moves

The bathroom also turns into a stage for busting out some spontaneous dance moves when the mood strikes.

A Good Cry

The bathroom provides a private haven for letting out a good cry without interruption or judgment.

Checking Period Flow

During their periods, women frequently use the bathroom to check and clean up, ensuring everything is in order.

Reading Labels

If they forget their phone, reading the ingredients on the toilet bleach or any other available bottle becomes the next best distraction.

Naked Run

A dripping-wet run from the bath or shower happens when essential items like a razor are left on the other side of the bathroom.

So, the next time you find yourself wondering what takes so long in there, remember these amusing, secretive habits that many women might just be indulging in!