Three Bulls on the Ranch

Once upon a time, on a peaceful ranch, there lived three bulls. They had heard that a new bull was going to join them, and each bull had a different perspective on how to react to the newcomer.

The first bull, who had been on the ranch for five long years, was proud of his hard work and the 100 cows he had acquired. He firmly declared, “I’ve worked tirelessly to build my herd, and I’m not giving any of my cows to the new bull!”

The second bull had been on the ranch for three years and had earned a respectable 50 cows. He chimed in, “I’ve put in my time and effort to earn these cows. I won’t be giving them up to the new bull.”

Finally, there was the third bull. Although he had only been on the ranch for a year and had been limited to just 10 cows so far, he stood his ground. He confidently stated, “I may not have as many cows as you guys, but I’m keeping all ten of them!”

As the bulls continued their discussion, their attention was captured by an enormous 18-wheeler pulling onto the ranch. Out came the biggest bull they had ever seen, weighing a massive 4,700 pounds. The ground trembled with each step he took.

Seeing the new bull, the first bull’s perspective shifted. He realized the importance of welcoming and showing kindness to the newcomer. He humbly offered, “I think I can spare a few cows for our new friend.”

The second bull, having an abundance of cows, agreed wholeheartedly. He confessed, “Honestly, I have more cows than I can handle anyway. I can definitely spare a few without any trouble.”

But when they turned to the third bull, they found him fiercely pawing the ground, shaking his horns, and snorting. Concerned, the first bull advised, “Son, don’t be foolish. Let him have some of your cows, and everything will be fine.”

However, the fearless third bull responded with determination and pride, “Hell, he can have all my cows! I just want to make sure he knows that I’m a bull too.”

In this heartwarming story, the three bulls teach us the importance of compassion, cooperation, and embracing newcomers. Despite their initial hesitations, they realize that showing kindness and being inclusive can lead to harmony and friendship on the ranch.

Now, let me share another delightful tale with you!

There was once a mommy stork, a daddy stork, and their adorable baby stork. They lived in a cozy nest on top of a tall tree. One day, when daddy stork didn’t come home for dinner, mommy and baby stork grew worried.

The next morning, the daddy stork finally returned. Anxiously, mommy and baby stork inquired about his whereabouts. With a casual tone, daddy stork replied, “I was out making a young couple very happy.”

A week later, it was mommy stork’s turn to not come home for dinner. Daddy and baby stork became extremely concerned. When mommy stork arrived the next morning, they asked her where she had been. Just like daddy stork, she responded casually, “I was out making a young couple very happy.”

A few days later, it was the baby stork’s turn to go missing. This left his parents filled with worry. When he finally returned the next morning, they couldn’t wait to hear where he had been all night. With a mischievous grin on his face, the baby stork proudly declared, “I’ve been scaring the sh!t out of college students!”

This lighthearted tale shows us that sometimes, even the smallest of us can surprise others with their unique abilities. It reminds us to embrace our individual strengths and find joy in bringing laughter and fun to others’ lives.

What an adorable baby stork, isn’t it? Let’s cherish the joy and humor these mischievous storks bring into our lives.