When Finances Become a Problem in Marriage

In the world of marriage, various problems can arise between husband and wife, and one of the most common issues is finances. It is not uncommon for couples with different values when it comes to money to clash over spending habits. This is why it is crucial to have open discussions about finances before tying the knot and to seek external help when mindsets don’t align. Unfortunately, one woman discovered that finances would become a problem in her married life after she tied the knot.

Different Views on Money

A 30-year-old woman recently shared her situation on Reddit, seeking advice about her 32-year-old husband. They have been married for four months, and while they both have their own incomes, their spending habits don’t align. The woman, who works as a secretary, describes her husband as terrible with budgeting and impulsive in his spending. He often makes purchases without thinking about the consequences on their joint account balance.

One day, she proposed the idea of having a joint account for their savings and shared expenses. However, her husband saw it as a duplication of his salary and dismissed the idea.

Spending Left and Right

After the couple decided to keep their own salaries but equally contribute to joint expenses, the husband continued to spend recklessly without consulting his wife. He would make expensive purchases without informing her, which put a strain on their financial commitments.

When the woman confronted her husband about his spending, he defended himself, claiming that because part of the money in the joint account was his, he didn’t need permission to spend it. He believed that married or not, everyone should have the freedom to spend their own money. This disagreement led them to agree on keeping their separate finances but equally paying for all joint expenses.

The Dinner Dilemma

One evening, the husband suggested going out for dinner. Assuming they would each pay for their own meals, the wife agreed. However, after the meal, the husband, who had ordered more dishes and desserts for himself, was surprised when his wife asked for separate checks. He asked her, “You’re not going to pay for my meal too?”

The wife reminded him of their agreement to pay for expenses equally, including their own meals. She settled the bill for her own meal, and the husband, unable to pay for his portion, had to rely on a friend to cover his expense. He then accused the wife of being mean.

Seeking Professional Help

The couple continued to argue about the incident, and the wife suggested seeking professional help and attending therapy together. However, the husband’s initial response was to question who would pay for the sessions and kept reminding his wife about her “unacceptable” actions. He even demanded an apology for not paying for his meal.

The wife received support from the Reddit community, with many understanding her problem and siding with her. Some suggested that the husband’s behavior showed red flags early on in the marriage, while others recommended addressing the issue either alone or with professional help before it escalates further.

In conclusion, when it comes to finances in marriage, it is crucial for couples to have open and honest conversations. It is essential to find common ground and agree on financial decisions that work for both partners. Seeking external help, such as therapy, can provide guidance and improve communication within the relationship.