Husband suddenly dies and leaves wife with 8 kids – his hidden disease was overlooked by everyone

A Loving Dad with a Hidden Disease

James Green always dreamt of being a dad. When his wife, Cloe, was expecting their first child, he couldn’t contain his excitement. As the beautiful British couple welcomed more children into the world, they realized that their desire for a large family was mutual.

James and Cloe were devoted parents. Despite being a full-time mom, Cloe always had James by her side, thanks to his flexible work-from-home arrangement. He was the one who took the children to school and spent quality time with them in the evenings. He was loving, energetic, and appeared to be in good health.

Even when their fifth child was born with cerebral palsy, James and Cloe thought their family was complete. Cloe went to the doctor and got a contraceptive implant. Little did they know, fate had other plans in store.

Welcoming Eight Wonderful Blessings

Unexpectedly, Cloe found herself pregnant again. James believed it was meant to be and rejoiced in the miracle of a new life. They joyfully embraced the arrival of their eighth child and believed that their family was finally complete.

However, tragedy struck on December 4, 2015. Just twelve weeks after their youngest child was born, Cloe woke up to discover that James had stopped breathing.

Unforgettable Memories of Love and Loss

Cloe and James fell in love as teenagers, dreaming of a future filled with children. James had a heart of gold and an abundance of love to give. Cloe was 17 years old when she became pregnant for the first time, and they were overjoyed to bring their son Leo into the world.

As the family grew, with sons Levi and Oliver and daughter Megan, their love multiplied. They faced challenges when their daughter Miley was born with cerebral palsy, but it never hindered their love and commitment to their family. Believing that their family was complete, Cloe had a contraceptive implant fitted.

Life had a different plan, though. Cloe unexpectedly became pregnant again, giving birth to Lacey and Lexi, both also with cerebral palsy. The couple agreed that their eight children would be their final blessing.

A Super Dad Taken Too Soon

James was an exceptional father who dedicated his life to caring for his children. With a brood of eight, it took tremendous time and energy. Cloe was amazed at James’ commitment and referred to him as a “super dad.” He would do the school run, work at the café, pick up the kids, play games, and read stories until bedtime. James had boundless energy and a zest for being a dad.

However, just twelve weeks after their youngest son, Elijah, was born, tragedy struck. James woke up one morning, acting strangely, and soon stopped breathing. Cloe desperately performed CPR until paramedics arrived, but it was too late. James, at the young age of 31, had passed away.

A Hidden Killer

James’s sudden death left everyone shocked and grief-stricken. It was later revealed that he suffered from high blood pressure, leading to a condition called hypertensive heart disease. Unfortunately, like many others, James was unaware of his condition because he hadn’t undergone regular physical examinations. This heartbreaking loss serves as a reminder for everyone to prioritize their health and get regular check-ups.

Strength in the Face of Tragedy

Left alone and heartbroken to raise their eight children, Cloe found strength in her memories of James with their children. She knew that she needed to be strong for her kids, just as James would have wanted. Cloe dedicated herself even more to her children and became an inspiring parent in her own right.

Though she will always miss a part of James’ soul, Cloe is grateful that her husband’s wish of having a large, warm family came true. The Green family’s community rallied around Cloe and her children, raising over $10,000 to renovate their family garden and provide a nurturing place for the children to play.

A Story of Courage and Love

Cloe has faced unimaginable challenges, but her resilience and determination to provide for her children is truly inspiring. Let us celebrate Cloe’s courage and pay tribute to James’ incredible parenting. Please share this heartbreaking story so that others may learn from it and prioritize their health. Together, we can support and uplift one another in times of adversity.