Donald Trump Urges Strong Action Against Child Traffickers

WATCH: Trump Calls For Death Penalty For Child Traffickers After "Sound Of Freedom" Screening

Former President Donald Trump recently hosted a screening of the powerful film, “Sound of Freedom,” at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club. The film highlights the role of faith in combating the evil of child trafficking. In a video message following the screening, Trump passionately called for strong action against child traffickers and emphasized the importance of faith in public life.

Trump expressed his enthusiasm for hosting the screening and acknowledged the gravity of the issue, stating, “I was thrilled to host a screening at Bedminster of the important new film, Sound of Freedom, about the power of faith in overcoming evil. And in particular, the evil of child trafficking, a big problem.” He highlighted the urgent need for everyone to see the film to better understand the severity of the issue.

Speaking about his efforts to combat child trafficking, Trump noted that during his administration, significant progress had been made before the borders were opened up. Despite attempts by the media to downplay the problem, “Sound of Freedom” has gained national attention and achieved tremendous success at the box office. Trump declared the film to be a must-watch, describing it as an important documentary that addresses a critical issue.

Trump further outlined the measures he took while in office to combat human trafficking. He signed executive orders and acts of Congress to target transnational criminal organizations involved in trafficking and exploitation. He also allocated substantial resources and signed legislation to crack down on countries that failed to meet standards for eliminating trafficking. Additionally, programs supporting survivors were strengthened, and resources for ending modern slavery were increased.

The former president emphasized his administration’s commitment to secure borders and combat trafficking. He highlighted the creation of the first-ever White House position focused solely on combating human trafficking. Furthermore, significant progress was made in border security through the construction and renovation of hundreds of miles of walls. Trump also emphasized the partnership with Mexico, which resulted in the deployment of 28,000 soldiers to prevent illegal border crossings and migrant convoys.

Looking ahead, Trump vowed to end the Biden administration’s handling of the border situation. He compared the cartels to ISIS and called for their complete destruction. Trump emphasized the need for strong action against child traffickers, stating, “I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children on our border receives the death penalty immediately.” He also highlighted the importance of returning trafficked children to their families in their home countries without delay.

In conclusion, Trump thanked the individuals involved in the making of “Sound of Freedom” and called for unity in the fight against child trafficking. He expressed his commitment to ending this scourge and defending the dignity of human life. The former president’s powerful message serves as a call to action for everyone to prioritize the fight against child trafficking.