Air Fryer Warning: Bacon Lovers Beware

Ever since air fryers burst onto the culinary scene, they have become an essential kitchen gadget for many. It seems like everywhere we turn, there’s a new air fryer hack or a tempting sale to entice us. And let’s not forget the allure of saving some money on energy bills compared to using the oven. It’s no wonder that most of us have an air fryer in our homes.

But hold on, there may be some rules we haven’t been aware of when it comes to using our beloved air fryers. One of the most popular uses for air fryers is cooking bacon. However, according to dietitian Brenda Peralta, there are some pitfalls to be aware of.

Brenda warns that due to the high fat content of bacon, using an air fryer may not be the best idea. When bacon is cooked in an air fryer, the fat can drip down, causing smoke and splatter. This not only makes the bacon cook unevenly but also produces unwanted smoke and odors.

But uneven cooking and smoky air are not the only issues. Brenda explains that bacon strips are small and delicate, making them tricky to flip or remove from the air fryer basket without breaking. If you’re planning on cooking bacon for a group of friends, you might want to reconsider using the air fryer. The small size of the fryer basket makes it inconvenient to cook a large quantity of bacon at once.

So where does that leave us bacon lovers in the wonderful world of air fryers? Unfortunately, it’s advised to avoid cooking bacon in this particular gadget. But don’t worry, there are still plenty of other delicious foods that are a perfect match for air fryers. Brussels sprouts, roast potatoes, falafel, and breaded chicken are just a few examples.

While we may need to reconsider our bacon-cooking methods, there is still a wealth of tasty options to explore with our trusty air fryers. So, let’s embrace the possibilities and continue enjoying the wonders of this amazing device!