The Great Pyramid of Giza: A Marvelous Mystery

The Great Pyramid of Giza has captivated people for centuries with its incredible architecture and enigmatic origins. This ancient wonder of the world continues to amaze us even today, leaving us in awe of the technology and ingenuity of those who built it.

Recently, a Brazilian adventurer named Yanis Terzis had an extraordinary opportunity. While visiting Egypt, he decided to fly over the Great Pyramid of Giza using a paramotor. This daring feat allowed him to capture an unforgettable glimpse of the pyramid’s topmost point.

Yanis, a 35-year-old psychiatric administrator and pilot from Brazil, embarked on a mission to explore various ancient Egyptian sites. Equipped with a paramotor, which is similar to a paraglider but with an added propulsion fan, he set out to capture unique footage from above.

With a GoPro Hero 10 attached to his helmet, Yanis documented his incredible journey. It’s important to note that he obtained all the necessary permissions to fly over these historical structures, ensuring that his adventure remained legal and respectful of the heritage.

Yanis wanted to showcase the pyramids and temples from a different perspective, offering viewers a glimpse of their majestic beauty. Flying as close to the ground as possible, he skillfully maneuvered his paramotor, providing breathtaking scenes that garnered millions of views on YouTube. At one point, he was even close enough to touch the tip of the pyramid with his feet, an experience he will cherish forever.

In his video, Yanis captured the intricate details and inscriptions carved into the white stone of the pyramid. These ancient “scriptures and graffiti” tell stories of a bygone era and offer a unique glimpse into the lives of the people who built them. The footage, shot in stunning 4K resolution, allows viewers to appreciate the monuments in a whole new light.

Contrary to popular belief, the top of the pyramids is not as pointed as it may seem from the ground. Yanis’ footage revealed the flatness of these areas, providing an interesting perspective on these architectural marvels. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of the pyramids, was constructed around 2560 BCE and originally stood at an impressive height of 482 feet. Erosion and removal of stones over time have reduced its height to approximately 449 feet.

The Great Pyramid of Giza continues to fascinate and inspire people from all walks of life, inviting us to delve into the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Thanks to brave adventurers like Yanis, we can witness these wonders up close and gain a deeper appreciation for their historical significance.