Son Talks to Mom Only on Video Call for 7 Years, Sees Deserted House When He Finally Visits

A woman finally landed a good job when her son left for college and funded everything he needed. Seven years passed, and their only communication was through a screen, but one day, he returned home to a stunning revelation.

“Chris, don’t worry. I’m paying for as much as I can. Whatever you need, call me,” Olive assured her son at the train station. He was on his way to New York for college, and she had just secured a decent-paying job. For most of Chris’ life, she couldn’t afford much. His presents were often second-hand since she single-handedly raised him while studying at night. Though Chris never went without food or shelter, Olive constantly felt guilty for not providing him with what his friends enjoyed.

Finally, with a decent salary, she was ready to give him anything he wanted. “Thank you, Mom,” Chris said, hugging her tightly before boarding the train.

He knocked on the door. No response. He looked through the window and was stunned. The house was empty.


Chris’ fiancée, Rosalie, once said through the computer screen, “Mrs. Franklin, you should visit! I’m so huge now!” Chris had met Rosalie during his junior year, and they were on the verge of graduating. Rosalie had discovered she was pregnant, and they got engaged. Despite this, Olive had never met her because both were too busy studying and working.

Olive also worked extra hours despite her now excellent salary, covering Chris’ college expenses, housing, and her own. She lived as frugally as possible. “Soon, Rosalie! I hope to meet you soon. When I get a free moment,” Olive nodded, and Chris appeared on the screen.

“Mom, I wanted to ask you something,” Chris began hesitantly. “Since Rosalie and I are graduating soon and expecting a baby, could you help us with buying a house? We found one in New Jersey; it’s beautiful and reminds me of home.” Olive thought hard about her savings and upcoming retirement, but seeing her son’s pleading face, she relented. “Ok, Chris, we can work something out,” she said, knowing she’d have to deplete her savings once again. “Thank you, Mom! I don’t know what I’d do without you!”


“I wish you guys could come this Christmas,” Olive often said during their video calls. Her son had been gone for seven years and never returned home. She missed her granddaughter, Mallory, terribly. Yet, Olive worked more than ever, covering Chris’ business expenses after depleting her savings once more.

“We can’t, Mom. Not this year,” Chris said, thanking her for the gifts she sent for Mallory. “You’re an amazing grandma.”

“Put her on the screen,” Olive requested gently, watching her granddaughter with longing.


Unbeknownst to Olive, Chris was planning a surprise visit. Unable to afford plane tickets for Rosalie and Mallory, he arrived alone, his taxi stopping in front of a dark, deserted house. Chris told the driver to wait and got out. The porch furniture, plants, and even the welcome mat were gone. An overgrown garden greeted him.

He knocked on the door. No response. Peering through the window, he was stunned to see the empty interior. What happened? Where is Mom? He wondered.

“Chris? Is that you?” a familiar voice inquired. He turned to see Mrs. Torres, their lifelong neighbor.

“Mrs. Torres. Hi! Do you know where my mom is?”

“Oh, dear. Your mother moved away about two years ago. She sold the house, but I don’t know who will be moving in now,” Mrs. Torres explained.

“She never told me,” Chris muttered. “Do you know where she is?”

“Sure, I have her address written down. Come with me.”

Following Mrs. Torres into her home, Chris read the address she handed him. It pointed to a less desirable side of town.

At the new address, Chris found a run-down apartment complex. With ease, he entered the unsecured building, bewildered by his mother’s situation. “Chris? What are you doing here?” Olive asked, shocked to see her son at the door.

“Mom! Why did you sell the house?” Chris questioned, distressed.

Olive ushered him inside and explained. She had depleted her savings for the first house, and when Chris asked for money for his business, she sold her home to give him the needed funds. Chris, overwhelmed with guilt, realized his negligence and apologized profusely.

“I wanted you to succeed, sweetie. I felt I failed you when you were younger,” Olive tried to explain.

“Mom, you gave me everything I needed. I’m sorry for not visiting, for not asking about you. I’m so sorry you’re in this part of town at your age,” Chris sobbed, vowing to make things right.

That night, he called Rosalie, and they agreed to move Olive closer to them. She quickly found a job in New Jersey, and they ultimately built an in-law suite for her. Chris repaid every penny Olive spent on his house and business, which thrived, ensuring they’d never want for anything again. And most importantly, Chris never allowed Olive to sacrifice anything else for him.