If a man displays at least 2 of these things, then surely you are in with a married man

These days, finding and dating the right man has become quite a challenge. You need to pay attention to all the little details, especially to ensure the man you’re seeing isn’t already married.

Interestingly, even wedding bands aren’t a foolproof indicator because many married men don’t wear them regularly.

Since marriage isn’t worn like a badge, here’s a list of signs to watch out for when assessing a man’s relationship status.

If your man exhibits two or more of these signs, it could mean you are “the other woman.”

1. He won’t let you know where he lives

If he’s always asking you to meet at a hotel instead of his house, it’s a red flag. A man who truly cares about you will want you to see where he lives because he sees a future with you.

A married man won’t take you to his home because he doesn’t want his wife to find out about you.

2. He times your calls

If you can’t reach him at certain times, or if he claims he’s always busy when he gets home at night, that’s suspicious.

Unlike single men with whom you can chat late into the night, a married man might only be available during the day. Once he gets home, he might switch to texting or say he’s too tired for a conversation.

If this pattern persists, it could mean he’s going home to his family and you’re just a side piece.

3. He hides details about his job

If he gets evasive or changes the subject when you ask about his job, be wary. He might be trying to keep you from finding out too much about him because he knows he doesn’t plan a future with you.

4. He spends lavishly

It often takes a financially comfortable married man to support another woman. He might use his wealth to distract you from other things he can’t offer.

Single men might buy you nice things too, but they usually focus on future financial plans rather than splurging on luxury items.

If he avoids your calls or can’t see you at certain times, it could mean he’s seeing someone else or isn’t truly interested. But lavish spending could be his way of masking that.

Ask yourself why a man his age, who can afford anything, isn’t married or eager to put a ring on your finger.

5. He won’t attend events with you

A married man won’t risk attending events where his family and friends might see him with you. He might take you to nightclubs, but never to social gatherings with his family.

6. He avoids social media

A married man often won’t share his Facebook or other social media details because they could expose him.

You might get excuses like, “I only use WhatsApp, I’m too busy for other social media.” Even on WhatsApp, his read receipt might be off, and he may never post family photos.

This could mean he’s hiding something. In rare cases, he might have social media but will avoid commenting on your posts or flaunting you online.

7. He’s only interested in intimacy

If he shows no interest in meeting your family or discussing marriage, it’s a red flag. It suggests you’re dating someone else’s husband, and he’s not planning to leave his wife for you.

8. He avoids commitment talks

If he steers clear of conversations about the future or marriage when you’re together, it’s concerning. He might say you’re moving too fast.

Phrases like “let’s see how it goes,” “may God see us through,” or “hopefully” suggest he’s avoiding commitment.

While single men might also act this way, if this aligns with other signs mentioned, be cautious.

Other telling signs:

– He prefers giving you cash, hiding his spending from his wife. – He calls you at odd hours. – He doesn’t save your contact with any romantic names.

References: premiumtimesng.com