Woman Goes On Blind Date and Invites 23 Family Members to Dinner to Test Her Date’s Generosity

Picture this: You show up to a blind date, butterflies in your stomach, hoping to make a great first impression. Now, imagine arriving to find not just your date, but 23 of their closest family members eagerly awaiting your arrival. Sounds like a scene from a sitcom, right? Well, for Mr. Lui, it was an all-too-real experience when he went on a date with Miss Zhang. Now, let’s dive into this unique and rather jaw-dropping story of dating misadventures and family feasts.

The Failed Blind Date Test

Mr. Lui had every intention of wooing Miss Zhang by treating her to a delightful dinner. Little did he know, she had other plans to test his generosity that evening. Miss Zhang decided if a man was going to be good enough for her, he had to be good enough for her 23 family members too! Talk about a high-stakes test.

Setting the Stage

The rendezvous was set in a charming restaurant nestled in Zhejiang, a scenic province in eastern China. According to the local paper, Taizhou Evening News, Miss Zhang’s idea was to see just how far Mr. Lui’s generosity extended. Would he be willing to foot the bill for not just her but a veritable family reunion? Spoiler alert: It didn’t end well.

A Costly Blind Date

As the saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” but Mr. Lui was handed a bill as sour as any lemon—20,000 yuan, or roughly $3,100. Faced with the choice of paying this hefty amount or making a hasty exit, Mr. Lui opted for the latter. Miss Zhang was left holding the bill, her plan having spectacularly backfired.

A Further Fight

You would think that the story might end with Miss Zhang’s empty wallet, but oh no, the plot thickens! Upset by the unexpected financial burden, Zhang decided to take matters to court. In the legal scuffle that followed, the court determined Mr. Lui should cough up 1400 yuan to cover the expenses—certainly a far cry from the enormous bill, but still a partial win for Miss Zhang.

A Lesson Learned

So, what’s the takeaway from this rollercoaster of a date? While testing a partner’s generosity can be important, perhaps a more subtle approach than inviting 23 family members might be advisable. Miss Zhang’s noble intentions to find a generous partner were overshadowed by her unorthodox methods, leading to an expensive lesson in dating etiquette.

This amusing yet cautionary tale reminds us all that trust and straightforward communication are the cornerstones of any relationship. Next time you’re on a blind date, maybe leave the family reunion at home and focus on creating a genuine connection over a cozy dinner for two.

In this whirlwind tale of feasts and fiascos, we learn that sometimes, just sometimes, simpler is better and honesty trumps elaborate tests any day.