Mom Of 19 Says She’s Pregnant With Her 20th Child

Mom Of 19 Says She’s Pregnant With Her 20th Child

Martha, a 39-year-old woman from Medellin, Colombia, is on the brink of welcoming her twentieth child into the world. Astonishingly, she has already given birth to 19 children and has no intentions of putting a stop to her prolific childbearing anytime soon. In fact, Martha views motherhood as a lucrative endeavor, likening it to a business venture.

Her approach to parenting is unconventional, to say the least. Martha, who has conceived all her children with different men, sees her expanding family as a source of income. With seventeen of her children under the age of 18, she relies on financial support from the government to sustain her large brood.

“The truth is, as the government helps me for each child, I receive a little money for each one,” Martha explains. She receives approximately $76 for her eldest children and around $30.50 for the youngest ones, totaling about $510 each month from the Colombian state to care for her children. Despite this assistance, Martha finds it challenging to cover the expenses associated with raising and providing for her numerous offspring.

Living in a modest three-bedroom house in Colombia, Martha’s family faces daily hardships. The cramped living quarters mean that the eldest child often has to sleep on the sofa. Martha acknowledges the difficulties of maintaining adequate meals for everyone on a limited budget.

Yet, despite these challenges, Martha remains resolute in her decision to continue expanding her family. She plans to keep having children until her body can no longer conceive, envisioning a future where her current brood will eventually grow up and leave home.

Martha’s situation sheds light on the complexities of single motherhood and the struggles faced by families in less fortunate circumstances. While she receives some support from the government and local community, the burden of caring for her extensive family ultimately falls squarely on her shoulders.

Martha’s story echoes that of other single mothers grappling with the daunting task of providing for their children. Last year, Veronica Merritt, a single mother of 13, captured widespread attention when she revealed her desperate need for a larger home for her family. Unable to afford a spacious dwelling on her own, Veronica enlisted the help of her 23-year-old daughter, who contributed $10,000 towards purchasing a new house.

Despite facing criticism and judgment from some quarters, Veronica’s story underscores the lengths to which single mothers are willing to go to improve the lives of their children. While Martha’s approach to motherhood may raise eyebrows, her unwavering dedication to her family’s well-being is undeniable.

In a society where the definition of family is evolving, Martha’s unconventional approach challenges conventional norms and prompts reflection on the varied paths to parenthood. As she prepares to welcome her twentieth child, Martha remains steadfast in her belief that motherhood, despite its challenges, is her chosen path—one that she intends to pursue for as long as she is able.