Trump is Worse Than Voldemort, Says J.K. Rowling: The Harry Potter Author Criticizes Presidential Hopeful’s Call to Ban Muslims from the U.S.


Trump as bad as Voldemort? That's insulting to Voldemort

J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, expressed her strong disapproval of Donald Trump’s recent proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States. She took to Twitter to highlight that comparing Trump to the series’ main antagonist, Lord Voldemort, is an insult to the Dark Lord himself. Many people on social media have drawn parallels between the two, prompting Rowling to speak out against the comparison. In fact, there is even an ongoing petition to ban Trump from the United Kingdom.

In response to Trump’s controversial statement, J.K. Rowling took to social media to voice her opinion. She tweeted, “How horrible. Voldemort was nowhere near as bad.” This scathing remark has been favorited over 38,000 times and sparked quite a conversation online.

Many Twitter users also chimed in on the debate. Some made humorous comparisons, highlighting the stark differences between the fictional character and the real-life presidential candidate. For example, one user tweeted, “One is a malevolent monster with legions of fanatics & none of his own hair. The other is a wizard.” Another user suggested that “President Voldemort” sounded better than “President Trump” at this point. Meanwhile, some people even created memes featuring Lord Voldemort wearing Trump’s distinctive hairstyle.

J.K. Rowling’s criticism of Trump’s proposal is not an isolated incident. Many individuals and organizations have taken issue with his remarks, including Robert Gordon University, which is facing demands to revoke Trump’s honorary degree. Over 4,000 people have signed an online petition accusing Trump of making persistent verbal attacks on various groups of people and calling for the university to rescind his honorary degree.

While there are supporters of Trump’s stance, including a neo-Nazi website that called him their “savior,” there are also many who find his comments intolerant and unacceptable. The petition to ban him from the UK and the widespread backlash against his proposal underline the diverse range of opinions on the matter.

As the debate continues, it remains clear that J.K. Rowling and many others believe that comparing Trump to the villainous Voldemort is an insult to the fictional character himself. Rowling’s strong critique of Trump’s proposal serves as a reminder that words matter and that it is essential to reject prejudice and discrimination in all its forms.

Trump has faced widespread criticism for his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States