George Clooney: A Hollywood Star with Political Passion


George Clooney is not your average Hollywood star. He is not only known for his acting skills and good looks, but also for his intelligence and his passion for politics. In a recent interview, he discussed his political views, his support for Hillary Clinton, and his thoughts on the current state of American politics.

George Clooney interview: ‘Donald Trump is a xenophobic fascist’

Clooney, who recently attended the premiere of his new film “Hail, Caesar!”, is not afraid to speak his mind when it comes to political matters. He is a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton and is even hosting a fundraiser for her. However, he also has kind words for her main opponent, Bernie Sanders, who he admires for bringing important issues to the forefront of the political debate.

With David Strathairn in Good Night, and Good Luck.

When it comes to the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, Clooney doesn’t hold back. He describes Trump as an opportunist and a xenophobic fascist. However, he remains optimistic about the American people’s ability to make the right decision in the end.

Clooney believes that the extreme rhetoric and ideas that come out during election season should be taken with a grain of salt. While he acknowledges that things can get crazy during this time, he reassures us that ideas like banning Muslims from the country will never become a reality.

As well as being politically engaged, Clooney is also a successful actor and filmmaker. In his latest film, “Hail, Caesar!”, he plays a gormless, 1950s version of himself. Clooney explains that working with the Coen brothers, who directed the film, has been a rewarding experience. He has played similar “numbskull” characters in their previous collaborations and appreciates the opportunity to step outside of his usual roles.

Clooney’s journey in the entertainment industry has had its ups and downs. While he experienced great success with the TV series ER and films like “Out of Sight” and “Three Kings,” he also faced criticism for his role in the notorious flop “Batman & Robin.” However, he credits films like “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” and “The Perfect Storm” for reviving his career and establishing him as a Hollywood star.

Clooney with Chris O’Donnell as Batman.

In addition to his acting career, Clooney has also directed and produced a number of films. One of his most personal projects is “Good Night, and Good Luck,” which explores the story of TV journalist Ed Murrow during the era of McCarthyism. Clooney made the film as a response to being labeled a traitor for speaking out against the Iraq war.

Clooney is not just concerned with the state of Hollywood, but also with the state of the world. He believes that diversity in film is important, but acknowledges that the studio system can be a barrier to change. He hopes to see more diversity in the industry and a move away from relying solely on star power to sell movies.

As the interview comes to an end, it is clear that Clooney’s passion for politics is just as strong as his love for filmmaking. He believes that the press has a crucial role to play in bringing important issues to the forefront and encouraging public involvement. Clooney’s message is clear: it’s time to start talking about the real world issues that matter.

Hail, Caesar! will be released in the UK on March 4th.