Barbra Streisand: Taking a Stand Against Tyranny


Barbra Streisand, the iconic singer and actor, is no stranger to controversy. At 81 years old, she continues to use her powerful voice to speak out against what she believes is a threat to democracy. In her song “Don’t Lie to Me,” she coldly serenaded former president Donald Trump, and now she’s making it clear that she won’t stick around if he becomes president again in 2024.

Streisand, a long-time Democratic supporter and fundraiser, has never been shy about expressing her dislike of Trump. She has called him “so stupid” and “ill-informed,” branding him “the Liar in Chief, the Groper in Chief.” In her recent interview with Stephen Colbert, she declared, “I can’t live in this country if he becomes president.”

But this isn’t the first time Streisand has made such a dramatic declaration. Like many other celebrities, she vowed to leave the United States after Trump won in 2016. At that time, she quipped, “America was great – before you were elected.”

Streisand’s frustration with Trump led her to release her 36th album, “Walls,” in 2018. The album, a musical homage to Trump’s tyranny, includes tracks like “Don’t Lie to Me.” Streisand explains that the constant barrage of news and lies made her sick, and she wanted to express her outrage through her music. She admits, “I just can’t stand being lied to, and I don’t think the country should be lied to either.”

In her memoir, “My Name is Barbra,” Streisand reflects on the tension between politicians and artists. She believes that artists serve as a country’s conscience, challenging society to confront uncomfortable truths. “That’s why art is the enemy of tyrants and dictators,” she declares.

Unfortunately, Streisand’s powerful voice wasn’t enough to sway the voting population. Trump was elected, and celebrities like Streisand were faced with the decision of whether to leave the country or stay and fight. Some, like comedian George Lopez and talk show host Jon Stewart, made lighthearted jokes about leaving for other countries or even other planets. Others, like Chelsea Handler, realized that their platforms and voices were needed more than ever in a divided nation.

After four years of darkness, Streisand sees hope in President Joe Biden. She admires his compassion, honesty, and integrity, and believes that the country is headed in the right direction. But she remains concerned about the upcoming elections and Trump’s potential return to power. Streisand is determined not to live in a country ruled by a man she considers “so stupid” and “so ill-informed.”

In the end, Streisand wants a new America, free from pollution, obscenities, insults, and revenge. She calls for the restoration of the nobility of truth, believing that only then will America truly be great again.

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