My Ex Ruined My Day at Work, I Brilliantly Took Revenge on Him the Same Day — Story of the Day

Miranda, a determined young Mexican woman, faced a tough day when her ex tried to embarrass her at work. She felt trapped because her job was vital, but the hurt from her ex gave her a push. Even with the risk of losing her job, she found a way to make him regret his actions.

Miranda’s breakup with her ex had been very public, which left her feeling depressed. As an immigrant trying to build a new life, she had to keep working to sustain herself. But things were not easy. She was late to her restaurant job again and had to explain to her boss, Michael, in the kitchen.

“I’m really sorry for being late again, Michael. A lot has been happening… my boyfriend and I broke up, and everyone knows about it,” Miranda said quietly.

“Miranda, what happens in your life is your business, but it’s a problem for me if it affects your work. I need you here on time, ready to work. This is your final warning,” Michael replied seriously.

Miranda promised to do better, but things got worse when she saw her ex, Colin, and his girlfriend Leslie, at a table in the restaurant. She asked Michael if she could avoid serving them, but he said no and reminded her to stay professional.

“We all have tough stuff to deal with, Miranda. We’re short on staff, and I need you to do your job, not run away,” Michael said without even looking at her.

Miranda had no choice but to serve Colin and Leslie, who were rude and made crude jokes about her background.

“Look who we have here, Miranda, serving tables. I guess people from your background really do find their calling in the service industry, huh?” Colin said in a nasty tone.

Miranda forced a strained smile and asked if they were ready to order, hiding her inner turmoil.

Colin then deliberately dropped his fork, making Miranda pick it up.

Leslie laughed loudly and clapped. “Look at Miranda! She’s good at picking things up!”

Under the gazes of other diners, Miranda felt even worse. She handed the fork back to Colin with a barely steady hand. “Thanks,” Colin said sarcastically. “You’re such a team player.”

Trying to stay calm, Miranda quickly brought their order, Mexican stew, hoping they would stop being mean. But Colin claimed the stew wasn’t spicy enough and purposely flipped his plate, spilling the mess all over Miranda.

“It’s okay,” she said, trying not to sound upset while cleaning up. But Leslie continued laughing, drawing attention from other customers. The stares shattered Miranda’s confidence.

Unable to hold back tears, Miranda retreated to the kitchen and broke down sobbing in a corner.

As she cried, Chef Robert approached and handed her a kitchen towel. His presence brought her some comfort, making her cry even harder as she accepted the towel.

“Look, I don’t want to meddle in your personal life, but you’re stronger than you think, Miranda. You’ve got a spirit bigger than your problems,” he said kindly.

Miranda needed someone to talk to and opened up to Chef Robert about her past with Colin, recalling the night everything fell apart. Colin had insisted she attend a party with him despite her worries about schoolwork.

Miranda, Colin, and Leslie were college mates.

“I really should study, Colin,” she told him. “My grades aren’t looking too good.”

But Colin insisted, “Come on, Miranda. You’re smart and work hard. One night off won’t hurt. Please come with me.”

Miranda felt torn but liked the idea of spending time with Colin. “Let me think about it. I’ll tell you tonight,” she said finally.

After they kissed, Miranda returned to her room feeling excited but also stressed. Her roommate, Leslie, noticed her flowers and excitement.

“What’s going on, Miranda? You look so happy. And where did those flowers come from?” Leslie asked, hiding her true intentions.

“It’s Colin. He’s been so sweet, and I really like him. He invited me to a party, but I’m worried about my exams,” Miranda said.

“Miranda, you’ve got to enjoy life too. Don’t miss out because of exams!” Leslie encouraged. “You’re a smart cookie, Miranda. Taking one night off won’t mess up your future. Go, have fun with Colin!”

Bolstered by Leslie’s words, Miranda agreed to go to the party. “I’ll be there, Colin. This night is important to you, so it’s important to me too,” she told him.

But at the loud club, Miranda felt out of place. Colin handed her a drink to help her relax, and she eventually started enjoying the night, forgetting her worries.

The next morning, Miranda woke up in a strange place, barely dressed, with others in the same state. She was terrified and quickly left to avoid further embarrassment.

At college, she was met with whispers and stares. She didn’t understand why until the dean called her in about embarrassing videos and photos and talked about expulsion.

Desperate, Miranda sought out Colin for help, only to find him and Leslie laughing at her.

“Look who’s here,” Colin sneered. “Thought I could fix your little problem?”

Leslie revealed the truth: “It was all a bet. Two weeks to get you to fall for it. Now look, you’re practically begging for his help.”

Feeling deeply betrayed, Miranda steeled herself to overcome this.

After sharing her history with Robert, Miranda asked for his help in getting back at Colin and Leslie. “Robert, can you help me? Just make their food super spicy once?”

Reluctantly, Robert agreed. Miranda prepared a very spicy sauce and handed Robert a sauce-soaked napkin.

When Colin and Leslie received their food, Leslie mocked the spice level. Colin used the napkin and immediately felt the intense burn, struggling to breathe.

Leslie tried to help, but the scene drew laughter from the restaurant. Embarrassed, Leslie stormed out, declaring their relationship over.

Miranda watched silently, satisfied with her small victory. Colin, in his rage, demanded she lose her job.

Michael intervened, tasting the stew and finding nothing wrong. “This dish is perfectly fine, sir. Miranda’s been with us a long time and wouldn’t mess up on purpose,” he stated, subtly hiding the spicy napkin.

Miranda exchanged a grateful look with Michael, feeling supported.

Michael offered Colin some advice. “You know, Colin, sometimes the heat comes not from the food but from how we treat others. Maybe think about that.”

Speechless, Colin had no supporters left. Miranda felt a wave of relief and satisfaction from standing up for herself and recognized the power of empathy and support during tough times. Michael’s stand highlighted the importance of respect for others.

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