A Memorable Visit

Once upon a time, a girlfriend and her boyfriend decided to pay a visit to the girlfriend’s house. Excitedly, they made their way inside, ready for some quality time together. Upon entering, the girlfriend turned to her mom and cheerfully announced, “Mom, we’re heading up to my room!” To which her mom replied with a smile, “Alright, have a great time, you two!”

As they ascended the stairs to the girlfriend’s room, they couldn’t contain their enthusiasm. Their laughter and joy echoed throughout the house, catching the attention of the mom. Curiosity piqued, she made her way towards the bedroom door and listened intently. And to her surprise, she heard the faint sound of music.

Confused, the mom couldn’t help but inquire, “What on earth is going on in there?” With a mischievous grin on her face, the girlfriend replied, “Don’t worry, Mom, we’re just having some innocent fun!” Relieved, the mom let out a sigh of relief and playfully added, “Oh, thank goodness! I thought you two were listening to Justin Bieber!”