Outdated Beliefs and Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way for mothers to nourish their newborns. However, there are still individuals, usually men, who hold outdated and peculiar beliefs about marriage and women’s rights over their own bodies. Recently, screenshots of a disturbing text conversation between a husband and wife started circulating on social media, exposing the husband’s entitled and primitive views.

In the conversation, the husband accuses his wife of incest because she is breastfeeding their child. He claims that her choice to breastfeed is disrespectful towards him and even suggests that their son breastfeeding is incestuous. These absurd and outdated beliefs have rightly sparked shock and ridicule among netizens.

Breastfeeding is not only a nutritional choice but also a bonding experience between a mother and her child. The wife, who is still recovering from labor in the hospital, offers to compromise by breastfeeding their son out of her husband’s sight. However, he dismisses her and declares that he is “done”. He goes on to shame his wife, saying that he no longer enjoys her breasts because they have been in another man’s mouth, completely disregarding the fact that the baby is their newborn son.

The screenshots of the conversation were shared on social media platforms, and many users expressed their disapproval in the comments. It is clear that this husband’s distorted view of breastfeeding stems from a deeply sexist mentality that objectifies women and sexualizes their bodies.

Breastfeeding is still overly sexualized in our society, and this husband’s reaction is a prime example of that. It is essential to promote a more respectful and accurate understanding of breastfeeding, one that recognizes its importance for the health and well-being of both mother and child.

This incident also highlights the ongoing struggle to dismantle outdated beliefs and promote respect for women’s autonomy and freedom to make choices about their own bodies. It is crucial to challenge and reject these archaic perspectives to create a more equal and inclusive society.

What are your thoughts on this situation? Let us know!