What Are Those Two Indentations In The Lower Back? Few Know It.

You know those little indentations on the side of some people’s lower backs? Surely you’ve seen them, even if they aren’t very common. These unique features have a special name derived from the Roman goddess of beauty: they’re called dimples of Venus. But what are they, and why do only some people have them? Let’s find out together.

They’re officially known as fossae lumbales lateralis, or “lateral lumbar indentations“. But most people simply call them dimples of Venus. Despite their informal name, this term is widely recognized and accepted in the medical field. These are small, symmetrical indentations in the lower back, located above the joint where the pelvis meets the spine, near the buttocks.

The formation of these indentations is due to a small ligament that connects the outer edge of the iliac bone, known as the superior iliac spine, to the skin. Their name is inspired by Venus, the goddess of beauty, as they are universally considered a very attractive physical characteristic. In fact, Venus herself was often depicted with these dimples, giving them the reputation of being an “imperfection of beauty”.

Just like all “rare” things, they possess a certain charm and potential, and often evoke envy in those who don’t have them. Some people even spend considerable sums of money to try to get them through surgery. But is there a natural way to acquire these dimples without resorting to such measures?