In the mid-1990s, two young girls named Abby and Brittany Hensel caught the attention of the nation when they appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show. These conjoined twins shared a unique bond, captivating hearts worldwide. Recently, it has come to light that Abby Hensel has been married for several years to Josh Bowling, a nurse and Army veteran. Let’s delve deeper into Abby, Brittany, and the newest addition to their family.
Abby and Brittany were born on March 7, 1990, in Minnesota. Fused together at the torso, they possess separate spinal cords, brains, and hearts. While they control different sides of their body, their organs below the waist are shared. Their parents faced the difficult decision of whether to separate them, but ultimately chose against it due to the high risks involved.
In 1996, Abby and Brittany’s lives took a dramatic turn when they appeared on Oprah’s talk show. This catapulted them into the spotlight, and TLC documented their remarkable journey in the reality series, Abby & Brittany. Viewers witnessed the twins graduate from college and embark on adventures in Europe.
Today, Abby and Brittany reside in Minnesota, where they have become beloved fifth grade teachers. In 2021, Abby married Josh Bowling, a nurse and Army veteran, as confirmed by public records. Let’s extend our heartfelt congratulations to Abby and Josh as they begin this new chapter of their lives together.
Abby and Brittany Hensel’s story is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the ability to overcome adversity. As they continue their journey, may they find peace and happiness in each passing day.