Emma Stone recently won the prestigious Best Actress award at the 2024 Academy Awards, solidifying her place as one of Hollywood’s leading ladies. However, her acceptance speech stirred up some controversy, with viewers claiming she “snubbed” last year’s winner, Michelle Yeoh. But Yeoh took to social media to clear the air and explain what really happened on that stage.
As Stone made her way to accept the award, some viewers believed she passed Yeoh without acknowledging her. Yeoh, who was holding the Oscar in her hands, seemed to hand it directly to Jennifer Lawrence, who was also on stage. This incident sparked rumors of a snub between Stone and Yeoh.
But Yeoh quickly addressed the situation on Instagram, sharing her side of the story. She revealed that she simply wanted Lawrence to be a part of the memorable moment. In her post, Yeoh wrote, “Congratulations Emma!! I confused you, but I wanted to share that glorious moment of handing over the Oscar to you together with your best friend Jennifer!!”
To further support her explanation, Yeoh shared photos of the event. One image showed her embracing Stone on stage, while another captured the pivotal moment of handing over the award. Lastly, Yeoh shared a photo of the Best Actress squad, which included Jessica Lange, Charlize Theron, and Sally Field, after the award presentation.
Fans and followers were relieved to receive Yeoh’s clarification. Rachel Zeglar, the actress from “The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes,” expressed her happiness with emojis in the comments. One fan wrote, “Thank you for the clarification! That was the nicest gesture by you to make Emma’s big moment even more special by including her best friend Jennifer Lawrence. Thank you, Michelle!!! You are such a wonderful human being and talented actress.”
Yeoh’s explanation should put an end to any doubts regarding the incident. For those still skeptical, behind-the-scenes videos of the two actresses embracing after the award show also surfaced online, providing further evidence.
Moments like these can be confusing to witness during live televised events. However, thanks to Michelle Yeoh’s clarification, we now have a better understanding of what happened on that stage. Share this article with others who may have been curious about this confusing moment at the Oscars!