Extraordinary Ordinary Things on Reddit

Colorful Corn Kernels

Sometimes, nature surprises us in the most vibrant ways. A Reddit user shared a photo of three corn ears that grew from the same variety/plantation, but each had its own mesmerizing colors. From marbled shades of green, black, purple, brown, and orange, to a predominantly yellow ear with hints of purple, brown, and black, and even one filled with stunning shades of purple and pink. Truly extraordinary!

Iced Flowers

After an autumn storm in Oklahoma City, a Reddit user captured a breathtaking photo of frozen cone flowers. The cold weather had turned the flowers into delicate ice sculptures, making them look like a work of art adorned with glistening ice drops. Nature never ceases to amaze us!

Purple Cedarwood

While cutting logs in a forest, one Reddit user stumbled upon a hidden gem. As they chopped a piece of cedar wood, they discovered a surprising burst of color in the center. Normally brown in appearance, the heart of this particular log revealed a gorgeous purple-pinkish hue. Nature’s wonders truly abound!

A Very Tall Sunflower

Sunflowers are known for their affinity towards the sun, but one sunflower decided to defy convention. Growing vertically towards the sky, this magnificent flower towered over a 5 foot 10 woman, reaching twice her height. A Reddit user couldn’t resist sharing this spectacle, standing beside the sunflower for size comparison. Nature’s skyscrapers exist in our very own gardens!

Alien Lemon

Imagine finding a lemon in your garden that looks like it’s from another world. That’s exactly what happened to a Reddit user. They discovered a peculiar green lemon with no defined shape, almost resembling a lemon with tentacles. With several lumps that gave a glimpse of the mysterious inside, it truly was a “freak lemon” from their garden. Unbelievable!

Expanding Bottle

Prepare to have your mind blown. We all imagine a liter-sized bottle to be considerably bulky, right? Well, think again. A Reddit user stumbled upon a small container, almost the size of a lipstick, which expands into a full-sized liter bottle once filled with air during the manufacturing process. It’s like magic, right in the palm of your hand!

Sand-filled Spoon Handle

Life is full of unexpected surprises, even in the kitchen. A woman preparing her leftover turkey encountered a rather peculiar mishap. While using her serving spoon, the handle snapped, and to her surprise, it was filled with sand. She accidentally ended up sprinkling sand all over her cooking. It ruined her delicious turkey stuffing leftovers! Who would have thought?

Blue Toilet Seat

People often say that pregnancy brings about strange cravings and changes. Well, here’s another one to add to the list. A Reddit user shared a photo of their toilet seat, which had turned naturally blue, all thanks to their pregnant wife. Apparently, this phenomenon is somewhat common among pregnant women, and the reason behind it remains a mystery. Pregnancy truly is a journey full of surprises!

Massive Penne Pasta

When it comes to pasta, size does matter… usually. But not in this case. Italian pasta brand Barilla is known for its various shapes and sizes. However, one Reddit user came across a mini penne that was anything but mini. In fact, it was as long as the pasta box itself! Perhaps a more suitable name would be giant penne. It’s pasta taken to a whole new level!

A Plate of Spaghetti with a Cotton Ball of Mold

Sometimes, forgetfulness leads to unexpected results. Take, for instance, a Reddit user who left a plate of mushroom spaghetti in the microwave for an entire week. When they finally rediscovered it, the pasta was barely visible under a massive formation of mold. The mold had taken the shape of a fluffy cotton ball, creating an eerie yet fascinating sight. A lesson in the importance of timely leftovers!

Unequally Sliced Pepperoni Pizza

Pizza lovers, brace yourselves for a different kind of pizza cutting technique. A person’s father decided to deviate from the usual square or triangular slices and instead created unique shapes and sizes to avoid cutting through the round pepperoni toppings. Talk about keeping the salami intact! While one commenter shared their own creative solution, this unconventional approach certainly adds a level of excitement to pizza night.

Experience the extraordinary in the ordinary. These moments captured on Reddit remind us that life is full of surprises and wonders waiting to be discovered. So keep your eyes open and your phone ready to capture the extraordinary in the everyday!