An interesting story was shared on Reddit’s “AITA” subreddit recently by an 18-year-old woman. She inherited a two-story home from her father and was renting out the first floor for extra income. The rent she was receiving was $500 per month, which she considered a good deal compared to similar properties in her area that were renting for $600 or $700 monthly.

She had been dating her boyfriend for three months when she invited him to move in with her. He was having difficulties with his own rent, and she thought it would be a good opportunity for them to live together. She agreed that he could stay as long as he needed until he sorted out his own housing situation. Initially, she did not ask him to contribute to the rent, and they only split the cost of groceries.

But things took an unexpected turn when her boyfriend overheard her discussing maintenance issues with the tenant. In that conversation, it came out that she was the owner of the house. This revelation seemed to upset her boyfriend a great deal.

He became angry and started yelling at her, calling her evil for not telling him she was the owner. He believed that landlords were only interested in money and didn’t care about people. He demanded that she give him 50% of the rent money she was receiving, or he would see her as no different from those he disliked. He then proceeded to give her the silent treatment.

Feeling confused and hurt by her boyfriend’s behavior, she decided to end the relationship. She asked her father to be present when she confronted her boyfriend about his demands. He continued to argue that she should give away half of the rent money if she wasn’t motivated by greed, calling her selfish and expressing his shame in her.

Eventually, her father stepped in, and her boyfriend laughed and said he never wanted to see either of them again before walking out. Some Redditors suggested she change the locks to ensure her safety.

This story sparked a discussion among Redditors, with many sharing their perspectives and advice on the situation. What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know in the comments below.