The Dangers of an Unhealthy Lifestyle: The Tragic Story of Dean Wharmby

Dean Wharmby was a professional bodybuilder who had a physique that many people dream of having. However, his relentless pursuit of muscle mass led him down a path of unhealthy habits that ultimately cost him his life.

Living an unhealthy lifestyle, Dean consumed a staggering 10,000 calories every day to sustain his muscle mass. His diet consisted mostly of fast food, including the occasional McDonald’s meal, and he washed it all down with 7 to 8 cans of energy drinks.

But this extreme lifestyle took a toll on Dean’s body. In 2010, he was diagnosed with liver cancer. While he suspected that his unhealthy diet played a role in the disease, Dean soon discovered another detail that likely contributed to his condition.

When Dean’s doctor discovered tumors in his liver, a startling revelation came to light – he had been using anabolic steroids early in his bodybuilding career. This, combined with his unhealthy eating and addiction to energy drinks, had taken a severe toll on his liver.

Despite his initial diagnosis, Dean decided to fight back. He made drastic changes to his lifestyle, cutting out energy drinks, junk food, red meat, and sugar. Instead of opting for chemotherapy and a liver transplant, he chose to use natural remedies and vitamins to support his body’s healing process.

Dean began to lose weight slowly, but he never gave up. He firmly believed that his diet and the impurities found in food, such as red meat, played a significant role in his cancer. While some experts are skeptical about energy drinks as a direct cause of liver cancer, they agree that examining the individual chemical composition of the products consumed is essential before drawing any conclusions.

Unfortunately, Dean’s battle had its ups and downs. Although his tumor disappeared in 2011, he experienced a setback in 2013 when he collapsed outside the gym where he worked. He recovered quickly, but in 2015, his health took a sharp decline. Dean broke up with his girlfriend, became homeless, and the cancer returned with a vengeance. The doctors gave him a grim prognosis, with only three weeks left to live.

Dean’s death in July 2015 was a devastating blow. The coroner confirmed that his use of anabolic steroids had a direct link to his untimely demise. This tragic tale serves as a timely reminder of the dangers of doping and the misuse of anabolic steroids.

Towards the end of his life, Dean shared his battle with cancer through his Facebook page, “Dean’s Journey.” His girlfriend, Charlotte Rigby, helped him update the page and continues to honor his memory. Despite the hardships he faced, Dean’s strength and determination are an inspiration to us all.

No one deserves to suffer the way Dean did, and this story serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and the dangers of doping. Let us remember Dean’s memory and share his story to raise awareness about the importance of living a healthy and balanced life.