A Miracle of Hope: Couple Struggles with Infertility, Welcomes Triplets

Approximately one in every five couples will, at some time in their lives, experience difficulties conceiving. For many, it’s an extremely difficult and stressful time – but, as others will testify, patience and determination may pay off.

Desiree and Ryan Fortin waited patiently for many years before, eventually, the couple turned to in-vitro fertilization. They prayed to God that it would help them get pregnant.

Not long after the IVF treatment, they finally got the message that Desiree was pregnant. But the couple could never prepare for what was in her stomach …

A Long Journey of Love

College sweethearts Desiree and Ryan Fortin have been happily married since 2009, but there was one thing that didn’t really work – for a long time they had struggled to conceive.

Doctors diagnosed Desiree with polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroid, and low progesterone – so she and her husband tried for three long and painful years before finally turning to in-vitro fertilization.

But instead of getting positive pregnancy tests, Desiree got her period over and over again. It was a mentally draining endeavor.

“It wasn’t just that I couldn’t get pregnant,” she wrote of those difficult years. “[Infertility] brought me more tears than I ever thought I could shed…. I lay on my bathroom floor in complete emptiness after countless negative pregnancy tests time and time again.”

The emotional toll was immense, not to mention the physical and financial strain. But they never gave up hope.

The Joyous Surprise

So you can understand that Desiree and Ryan were ecstatic the moment they were finally told their first IVF treatment had worked.

And when they saw the ultrasound they couldn’t believe there was not one but three babies growing! It turned out that the couple were expecting triplets – talk about success!

Overcoming Obstacles

But the struggle wasn’t over for Desiree and her family.

Although she finally had finally fallen pregnant, doctors warned her that she wouldn’t be able to carry all the triplets to term. “I was too thin, too short, and it was my first pregnancy,” she recalls being told. But Desiree held onto hope.

The Fortin triplets were born in the summer of 2015. Desiree delivered at 34 weeks and one day, via C-section.

A Bundle of Blessings

The couple were over the moon to welcome babies Sawyer, Jack, and Charlize – weighing more than 5 pounds each. It was a day they would never forget.

Desiree had some complications and bleeding, requiring emergency surgery, so she wasn’t able to see her precious kids right away. But Ryan used technology to bridge the gap.

He FaceTimed with her so that the new mom could see her little miracles. After two weeks in the NICU unit, all three babies were able to come home and start their lives.

Settling at home with three babies was a huge gift for Ryan and Desiree. But they knew that parenting wouldn’t be easy.

“We are blessed, but parenting is also a hard job filled with the greatest of responsibilities — caring for tiny humans. Our babies have severe reflux and colic — times three. Getting into a routine is difficult, as is maintaining your relationship amid crying babies, sleepless nights and a new routine,” Desiree said.

A Family Filled with Love

Today, the triplets are 7 years old and the whole family seems to be doing great. They have journeyed through ups and downs, but their love for each other keeps them going strong.

Desiree keeps their followers updated on their life and adventures through her Instagram page, where she has amassed a following of 150K. She never imagined that their story would touch so many people.

“I never imagined God would use our story to reach so many people. It has been an incredible experience,” she says.

And to top it all off, Desiree and Ryan are expecting again! This beautiful family will soon be six!

Thank you, Desiree, for sharing your story and your life. Your journey brings hope to other couples who are facing difficult times and struggling with infertility.