Elderly Man Accidentally Left Behind at Rest Stop, State Trooper Saves the Day

We’ve all seen those heartwarming movies where a family accidentally leaves someone behind during a vacation. It seems like something that could only happen on the big screen, but unfortunately, it can happen in real life too. And that’s exactly what happened to an elderly man and his family on a recent trip through New York.

The family was traveling along Interstate 81 when they decided to take a break and stop at a rest stop in Whitney Point. They all got out of the car to stretch their legs and use the facilities before getting back on the road. Little did they know, they were missing one person – the elderly man.

Meanwhile, New York State Trooper TJ Conklin received a call to check on the welfare of an elderly man at the same rest stop. When Conklin arrived, he discovered that the man had accidentally been left behind when he got out of the car to stretch his legs. To make matters worse, he didn’t have his wallet or phone with him.

But Trooper Conklin didn’t hesitate. He immediately started trying to find the man’s family. He searched online for their contact information, but every phone number he found was a dead end. Finally, he reached someone who lived out of state and who was able to get in touch with the family members who had been traveling with the man.

There was just one problem – they were three hours away from the rest stop. The family had just realized that the elderly man was missing when they noticed he wasn’t sleeping in the backseat where he had left his jacket over some baggage. Instead of making the family backtrack, Trooper Conklin made arrangements for the elderly man to meet up with his family in Roscoe, NY.

In Roscoe, they all shared a meal together, relieved that the incident had a happy ending. The New York State Police praised Trooper Conklin for his compassion and diligent efforts to help locate the man’s family. It’s a heartwarming story that reminds us of the kindness and humanity that still exists in the world.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate Trooper Conklin for going above and beyond to reunite this family. Share this story on Facebook and spread the word about his incredible act of kindness.