William Kyle: An American Hero

Brave Marine jumps on grenade to save fellow comrade – wins Medal of Honor

You may not be familiar with the name William Kyle, but he is a true American hero. Joining the US Marine Corps at 21, Kyle quickly rose to the rank of Lance Corporal. In 2010, he was sent to the Afghan conflict, where he would display extraordinary valor.

During a combat engagement, a grenade dropped dangerously close to Kyle and his fellow Marine. Without a second thought, Kyle sprang into action, using his body as a shield to protect his comrade. It was a split-second decision that would change his life forever.

The explosion left Kyle with devastating injuries. His body was pierced with shrapnel and his skull and face bones were shattered. He lost part of his jaw, one lung collapsed, and he was declared P.E.A (patient expired on arrival) upon his return to Camp Bastion.

William Kyle

Despite the tremendous challenges he faced, Kyle persevered. Over the course of two years, he underwent an astonishing forty surgeries. His bravery did not go unnoticed. He was awarded the Purple Heart for his selflessness and was also bestowed the prestigious Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama.

Today, Kyle has retired from military service and is dedicated to furthering his education. He is currently working towards earning a degree from the University of South Carolina, showing that his determination and courage extend far beyond the battlefield.

To learn more about the remarkable story of William Kyle, watch the video below: