Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Children: The “Family Rift” Rumor

At the recent FUBAR launch for his new Netflix series, Arnold Schwarzenegger was seen surrounded by his children. The 75-year-old celebrity posed for pictures with his daughter Katherine, her husband Chris Pratt, and his other two children Christina and Shivers. However, the absence of Maria Shivers and Joseph Baena, Schwarzenegger’s lovechild, sparked rumors of a “family rift” at the Schwarzenegger household.

Schwarzenegger’s son, Mildred Baena, whom he had with his former housekeeper, attended the premiere. Despite this, there seems to be a lack of interaction between Shriver and her kids with Baena. A family insider shared that while Schwarzenegger and his son are very close, the other kids don’t feel the same way about Joe. This unfortunate situation arises from the blame placed on Joe for the affair, despite Schwarzenegger treating him equally to all his other children. But, ultimately, Schwarzenegger has shown himself to be a loving father to all his kids.

Baena’s Pride in His Father

On social media, Baena expressed his pride in his father and shared a selfie from the premiere. He sported a stylish outfit and gave the new series, FUBAR, a glowing review. In his words, “FUBAR is a hilarious, action-packed show that will have you on the edge of your seat the entire time!” It’s evident that Baena supports his father and is excited about his latest project.

Support for Baena

Some of Baena’s followers on Instagram showed concern for the way he is treated by his own blood. They noted the unfairness and wondered if racial hostility plays a role in the dynamics between Schwarzenegger’s children. However, one supporter pointed out that Arnold seems to love all his children equally, if not a little more towards Joe since he’s following in his footsteps. Nevertheless, the conflict between Schwarzenegger’s children came to light during the FUBAR premiere.

Arnold’s Unconditional Love

Witnesses at the premiere noticed that while Schwarzenegger’s other children went home, Baena stayed for the after-party. This highlights the close bond between the former California governor and his son. Despite the rumors and tension, Schwarzenegger consistently includes Baena in various events, indicating his love and support.

Ultimately, Arnold Schwarzenegger loves all his children and maintains a great relationship with each one of them. While the family dynamics may have its challenges, the Schwarzeneggers handle their situation with respect and class.