Woman Refuses to Make Signature Christmas Dish After Mother-in-Law Tossed It Last Year and Never Apologized

Last Christmas, a woman found herself in a lasagna showdown with her husband’s mother. And now, she’s refusing to make her signature holiday dish again. The woman took to Reddit to share her story and seek advice from the online community on how to navigate this tricky situation.

Clash of the Lasagnas

The woman explains that for the past seven years, her mother-in-law has hosted Christmas. And every year, she makes her famous lasagna, a dish that is highly demanded by the family. However, things took a sour turn last year when the mother-in-law decided to make her own lasagna as well.

According to the woman, her lasagna was a hit, with almost half of it gone by the end of the dinner. In contrast, her mother-in-law’s lasagna was barely touched and did not taste good. This upset the mother-in-law, who went on a rant about feeling overshadowed by the woman’s cooking skills. In a fit of rage, she even attempted to toss the woman’s lasagna in the trash, but it ended up on the floor instead.

No Apologies in Sight

Despite a year passing since the incident, the woman has yet to receive an apology from her mother-in-law. Reddit users were shocked by the mother’s behavior, calling it a failed attempt to outdo her daughter-in-law and throwing a tantrum as a response.

Threatened Exclusion from Family Party

Now, as Christmas approaches, the woman received a list from her mother-in-law of what she expects her son and his wife to bring for the annual holiday feast. Surprisingly, lasagna was at the top of the list. Politely, the woman declined, explaining that she didn’t feel comfortable making lasagna due to last year’s incident.

However, her mother-in-law did not take this refusal well. She called the woman vindictive and threatened to exclude her from the family Christmas celebration unless she showed up with lasagna in hand. The woman’s husband is playing mediator, urging her to make peace by baking the lasagna to keep the peace, even if it means making less than usual.

Seeking Advice and Solutions

Desperate for advice, the woman turned to the Reddit community for help. Suggestions ranged from hosting her own drama-free holiday party with friends and relatives she trusts to staying home for Christmas and allowing her mother-in-law to experience a Christmas without her cooking. Some even suggested that her husband step up and make the lasagna himself.

In the end, the woman seeks input from others and asks them to share their thoughts on what they would do in her situation.

What would you do if faced with a similar predicament? Let us know in the comments and share this story to hear what others have to say!