A Heartbreaking Photo: Shelter Pit Bull “Losing Hope” After Adoption Setbacks

Every shelter dog dreams of finding a loving home, but for some, that dream keeps slipping away. Meet Rocky, a 3-year-old pit bull who has endured heartbreak after heartbreak as adoption after adoption fell through. He’s now losing hope. But let’s not give up on him just yet. There is still a chance for Rocky to find his forever home.

Rocky has been under the care of Lollypop Farm, Humane Society of Greater Rochester, since October 2022. Sadly, his previous family was evicted from their home and could no longer provide for him, as reported by Newsweek.
Despite being adopted twice and having a few two-week trial periods, Rocky always found himself back at the shelter. Lindsay Brewer, a communications specialist, explained, “He’s a great dog but would thrive in a certain type of home that may be more difficult to find,” according to Newsweek. It seems Rocky would be happiest as the only dog in an adults-only home.

After over a year of disappointments and false hopes, Rocky’s spirit is starting to wane. A heart-wrenching photo taken a few weeks ago highlights his devastation. Sitting alone in his kennel, he hangs his head down, seemingly crushed after another day of being overlooked.
Lollypop Farm shared the photo on Facebook, pleading for the community’s support in spreading the word about Rocky. And the response was overwhelming. The photo went viral, amassing over 31,000 shares and 600 comments. Many offered well-wishes and even pledged to cover his adoption fee.

With the increased interest, the shelter placed Rocky on adoption hold on December 1. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out with any potential adopters. However, there’s a glimmer of hope. The shelter updated their post, revealing that Rocky has been on an “adoption sleepover” since December 7. If everything goes well, Rocky may finally have found his forever home. But if not, the shelter will keep us informed if they are still looking for adopters.

While Rocky has captured the hearts of many, we must remember that he is not the only dog longing for a home this holiday season. Lollypop Farm urges people to consider adopting one of their other deserving dogs.
It’s truly heart-wrenching to see a shelter dog like Rocky feeling so forlorn. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that he finds his perfect forever home very soon. ❤️ Please share his story to help spread the word about this special pup!