From Childless to a Full House: A Couple’s Amazing Journey

For years, Sarah and Andy Justice had longed to start a family. But life had different plans for them. They tried every avenue to conceive, but after three years of disappointment, they turned to adoption.

The couple’s dreams finally began to come true when they were matched with a birth mother. Excitement filled the air as they accompanied her to the ultrasound appointment. But what they discovered during that appointment shocked everyone – the birth mother was expecting triplets!

Months later, Sarah and Andy welcomed their beautiful babies – Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth. And just when they thought their journey had reached its peak, fate had another surprise in store for them.

A week after the triplets arrived, Sarah received incredible news from her doctor – she was pregnant! And not just with one baby, but with twins! The couple’s formerly childless life was about to be transformed into a bustling household filled with joy and love.

Their twins, Abigail and Andrew, joined the family, bringing even more happiness. But the incredible journey didn’t stop there. Miraculously, Sarah soon found herself pregnant once again, this time with a single baby. Caleb became the sixth addition to their family, making it hard to believe that just two years prior, they had been childless.

This heartwarming story reminds us that we should never give up on our dreams. Life has a way of surprising us, sometimes leading us to exactly what we’ve always wanted. In this case, the Justices were blessed with a large and wonderful family.

Their remarkable journey captured the attention of the world. The Justices were featured on the TODAY show in 2014, where they shared insights into their hectic and fulfilling lives. They went through an astonishing 300 diapers per week back then, but despite the challenges, they had no regrets.

“We just love having these children,” Sarah expressed with pure joy.

Looking at their pictures, it’s clear that their children are thriving and growing fast. Recently, the triplets, Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth, celebrated their sixth birthday. The Justice family remains grateful and positive, serving as an inspiration to all who hear their story.

Let’s celebrate this incredible miracle with the Justices and continue to spread their message of love and devotion. Share their story with your friends and loved ones on Facebook, because sometimes, the most beautiful miracles happen in the most unexpected ways.

Triplets and twins