Jennifer Aniston, beloved actress and friend, has spoken out about the tragic loss of her longtime friend and former Friends co-star, Matthew Perry. In a touching Instagram post, Aniston shared a behind-the-scenes photo, a heartfelt text exchange between her and Perry, and an emotional scene from the series finale of Friends.
The caption accompanying the tribute revealed the deep grief that Aniston and her former co-stars have been experiencing in the weeks following Perry’s passing. Aniston expressed that saying goodbye to “our Matty” has brought an overwhelming wave of emotions she has never felt before. She emphasized that everyone faces loss at some point in their lives, whether it be the loss of a loved one or the loss of love itself.
Aniston reflected on the profound impact Perry had on their lives, stating, “He was such a part of our DNA. We were always the 6 of us. This was a chosen family that forever changed the course of who we were and what our path was going to be.”
Remembering Perry as the one who brought laughter into their lives, Aniston shared, “As he said himself, if he didn’t hear the ‘laugh,’ he thought he was going to die. His life literally depended on it. And boy did he succeed in doing just that. He made all of us laugh. And laugh hard.”
In the days since Perry’s untimely passing, Aniston has found solace in revisiting their text exchanges, alternating between laughter and tears. She shared one particular text from Perry that she believes encapsulates their friendship perfectly.
In the text, Perry tells Aniston how much he loves her and expresses his belief that she is now at peace. Aniston treasures these words and fondly recalls Perry’s signature line, “Could you BE any crazier?”
The news of Perry’s death has sent shockwaves through the cast of Friends. They not only lost a dear friend but also a cherished member of their chosen family. Let us keep everyone affected by the loss of Matthew Perry in our prayers.