Dad’s Unwavering Love for His Son with Down Syndrome

Dad refuses to give up son with Down syndrome after wife leaves him

The transformation from a regular person to becoming a parent is a life-altering event. It may sound cliché, but it’s the honest truth. It’s a pivotal moment that changes our priorities, reshapes our reality, and propels us to be better. That’s why it’s difficult for me to understand how some people can turn their backs on their children, abandoning them and shirking their responsibilities.

The story of Samuel Forrest and his wife Ruzan is both heart-wrenching and inspiring. In 2015, Samuel found himself in Armenia, his wife’s home country, when their son Leo was born. Little did he know that Leo had Down syndrome – it was a surprise that no one could have anticipated.

From the moment Samuel laid eyes on his son, he knew he wanted to give him a happy and normal life. “They took me in to see him and I looked at this guy and I said, ‘He’s beautiful—he’s perfect and I’m absolutely keeping him,’” Samuel shared. But unfortunately, his wife had a completely different perspective. She gave Samuel an ultimatum: either send baby Leo to an orphanage or she would leave him.

This shocking ultimatum left Samuel stunned and bewildered. However, he made the unwavering decision to choose his son. He returned to his home country of New Zealand, where he could receive the support of his loved ones. Samuel explained, “It was pretty clear that the main things were cultural and huge pressure.”

After about three and a half weeks, Ruzan reached out to Samuel through a friend, leading to a candid conversation via Skype. They eventually agreed to meet, and it was during that meeting that Ruzan held little Leo for the first time. Until that point, Ruzan had no understanding of what Down syndrome truly meant, or the possibilities and hope that existed. The doctors had painted a bleak picture, telling her that Leo would never learn to walk, talk, or even feed himself.

Samuel shared his story online, and the response was overwhelming. Tens of thousands of people rallied behind him, and a GoFundMe page titled “Bring Leo Home” raised over $500,000! This outpouring of support showed that there are countless people out there who believe in love and compassion, and who value every single life.

Shortly after, roughly a month after Leo’s birth, Samuel and Ruzan reunited. Ruzan cancelled her planned divorce and moved to New Zealand to be with her family. She embraced Leo’s therapy programs and proved to be an incredible mother. Ruzan revealed, “At first, I was very, very scared because I didn’t know what Down syndrome was like. Doctors said he would be like a vegetable. It was very scary. I think I was also very selfish and then there was depression…all of that together. But now, I love him [Leo] very much. One year ago, I couldn’t imagine life with him, and now I can’t really imagine my life without him. He’s changed me so much. I can say I’m a different person now.”

This heartwarming story reminds us of the power of love and the strength of a parent’s bond with their child. Samuel’s unwavering commitment to his son and the immense support from strangers demonstrate that every individual is precious and deserving of love and acceptance.

Wow! I’m so thrilled that this family found their way back to each other. Thank goodness Samuel made the right decision from the start.

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