Joy, the adopted pit bull, shocked everyone

A Minnesota family suffered a life-changing incident. They adopted a pit bull mix named Joy from an animal rescue two years ago. He got along well with the entire family, especially with their two children, Emilly, 6, and Jonas, 10. The dog and the kids were always together. They hiked together, played all day, and slept in the same bed at night.

Jonas told his family one evening that he would take a bath before coming downstairs. The remaining family members remained in the backyard. The child’s mother detected some strange noises at one point.

When she stepped inside the house, she noticed the sounds coming from upstairs. As she ascended, she heard the home dog, Joy, barking incessantly. When the lady entered the bathroom, she found Jonas unconscious, his feet dangling over the bathtub’s edge. Joy yanked at his hands or hair in an attempt to liberate him.

Jonas collapsed in the bath water after suffering a heart attack. Joy realized something was wrong, so she forced the bathroom door open and ran inside to try to pull Jonas out of the bathtub.

The mother was scared when she saw Jonas trying to breathe and Joy pulling on him for the first time. But she soon realized that the dog was merely trying to save his life by keeping him from slipping into the water and drowning.

The woman immediately contacted 911, and an ambulance arrived shortly thereafter. Jonas was rushed to the hospital by medics, who saved his life.

Jonas is still alive today because of Joy.

“I wouldn’t want to think about Jonas without Joy. Joy saved my son’s life, for which we will be eternally grateful. He will surely be rewarded with a lot of steaks,” his mother said.

This is yet another piece of evidence of how wonderful dogs are and how much they adore their owners.