Around the world, people’s hearts are breaking for Robert Irwin.

Everyone’s heart went out to Robert Irwin after seeing his most recent TikTok video, and many are pleading with him to take a break from social media.

Robert Irwin is well known as the late Steve Irwin’s son.

And, for the past ten years, Robert Irwin has worked tirelessly at the family’s Australia Zoo with his mother Terri and sister Bindi, exciting fans from all over the world.

Steve Irwin was and continues to be Australia’s national treasure.

The Australian was an outspoken defender of animal rights and conservation, best known for his successful television series The Crocodile Hunter.

The Crocodile Hunter was a big success due to Steve’s unconventional methods of approaching wildlife.

From 1997 through 2004, the show aired 64 episodes over the course of five seasons.

He was definitely concerned about environmental protection.

Off-screen, Steve would go above and beyond to protect Australia’s wildlife.

His love for all living things was obvious.

And it was because of this that the entire world adored him.

In 1992, Steve married the love of his life.

Terri is an author and environmentalist from the United States who now lives in Queensland, Australia.

Terri and Steve played key roles in The Crocodile Hunter.

And it was obvious that the couple was destined to be together.

Not long after, they had their first kid.

Bindi and Robert Irwin were born in 1998 and 2003, respectively, and formed the most beautiful family.

Robert and Bindi were as dedicated as their father.

He started his career at such a young age.

Unfortunately, things started to get worse in 2006…

Steve was stabbed in the chest by a wild stingray barb while swimming on September 4th, during filming for the documentary series Ocean’s Deadliest in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

The sting was quickly determined to be lethal.

Steve assumed the stingray’s barb had just perforated his lung, but it had actually pierced his heart, causing the much-loved Australian to collapse.

Unfortunately, he died as a result of his injuries.

“Even if we could have gotten him into an emergency room at that point, we probably wouldn’t have been able to rescue him because the damage to his heart was so severe.”

“As we return, I yell at one of the other crew members to put their palm over the cut, and we tell him things like, ‘Think of your kids, Steve, hold on, hang on.’”

He just looked up at me calmly and stated, ‘I’m dying.’ “And it was the last thing he said,” one of the underwater cameramen remembered tragically.

The videographer performed CPR on Steve for an hour until he was transferred to the primary boat.

Unfortunately, the paramedics proclaimed him dead shortly afterwards.

This was devastating news for everyone who knew and loved him.

Terri and their children have found it difficult and sad to cope with this loss…

Terri, on the other hand, has taught her children to appreciate their father’s memory, and they have all worked together to continue the Australia Zoo’s animal care program in Steve’s honor.

Years later, Robert and his sister Bindi only talk about their father’s lovely memories.

There are a lot of them!

Terri and Steve’s children have grown into extraordinary individuals.

It’s wonderful to see that Bindi, 23, and Robert, 18, are following in their father’s footsteps and pursuing careers in conservation and zoology.

Robert is quite similar to his father in many ways.

He also appears frequently on American television to promote the Australia Zoo and the conservation work to which he and his family are dedicated.

He recently honored his father on Father’s Day.

“I had the best father on the planet.” “Thinking of him and only remembering good times,” he wrote on TikTok.

Robert made a nice film of his father’s cherished times with him.

“I hope you all had a fantastic Father’s Day in the US – sending love to those who couldn’t celebrate with their Dad,” he added, which pulled at our heartstrings!

Without a doubt, the 18-year-old is extremely busy.

Instead of going to parties and playing video games in his spare time, Robert prefers to fight for conservation and animal rights, particularly for animals in Australia, as his father did.

However, a video of his interaction with a crocodile went viral in February of this year, horrifying many people with his lack of concern for the reptile.

Many people were taken aback by Robert’s level of “cruelty.”

While attempting to feed Casper, a crocodile at the zoo, Robert was nearly attacked.

Casper ignored all of the food that was being used to redirect his attention away from Robert and continued to try to strike him.

This prompted the keeper to scream “Bail, bail, bail!!!” and fellow keepers to rush inside the enclosure to assist him.

Fortunately, neither Casper nor Robert were hurt as a result.

Robert then shared the footage on Instagram, captioning it, “The conclusion of ‘Crikey! It’s the Irwins’ is on now at 8 p.m. in the United States, so go see it!

“We saved the best for last, including one of the most intense croc feeds I’ve ever done!”

With our crocs, we prioritize natural behavior. They get to use all of their predatory tendencies by entering into their enclosures with them and letting them put on those tremendous strikes from the water’s edge, and they love it!”

“Plus, we can educate everyone about their conservation,” he added. ” But safety is equally important to us, and you must know when to call it. And with a croc as powerful and quick as Casper, we had no choice but to flee!”

However, after he published his post, many people chastised the keeper for his conduct, accusing him of “using animals as amusement.”

Robert has already responded, saying, “Everything always gets blown up and made into a huge event.”

“It’s an adrenaline rush for me, it’s an exciting thing to do — but I feel closest to my dad when I’m in there working with the creatures he loved.”

“So many of our crocodiles are the originals, the ones we’ve worked with since day one,” Robert continued. “It’s an honor to carry on that legacy.”

“Yes, they’re deadly, but they’re incredible creatures who deserve our respect.”