If You Ever Notice Your Door Handle With A Rubber Band On It DO NOT Touch It

When we come home, it should always be a place where we feel safe and secure, free from any danger. It’s our sanctuary where we can rest after a long day.

Many of us feel the safest when we’re at home, so it’s crucial to ensure that our safety is not compromised.

Nowadays, many people install surveillance cameras around their property to protect their privacy and safety. Despite these precautions, thieves are constantly coming up with new ways to break into homes without permission.

A woman from Texas named Kim Fleming Cernigliaro recently shared a story to raise awareness about a new method thieves are using to get into homes.

One day, while Kim was home alone, someone knocked on her door. The sound quickly escalated from knocking to something that resembled beating.

Understanding the risks, Kim wisely chose not to open the door since she wasn’t expecting any visitors.

As the knocking grew louder, she became frightened and decided to wait for a while before checking outside to see if anyone was still there.

After some time had passed and it seemed like the person had left, Kim finally went downstairs and opened the front door.

To her surprise, she found a rubber band wrapped around the door handle. She immediately called the police to report the incident, although she didn’t know what it meant at the time.

When the police arrived, they informed her that other residents in the area had also found rubber bands on their door knobs.

They explained why thieves use this unusual tactic.

When a homeowner answers the door and removes the latch to open it, the rubber band remains in place, keeping the latch from fully closing.

This makes it easier for the thieves to open the door and gain entry into the house, as the homeowner wouldn’t be able to relock the door effectively.

Kim is now determined to spread the word about this new strategy to make others aware and to urge them to be extra cautious when opening the door for strangers.


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