Watch incredible moment humpback whale entangled in fishing gear is freed after 4 days

A humpback whale was freed from over 50 ropes and fishing gear in a 4-day rescue off the western Canadian coast. Experts say such entanglements are on the rise, with at least 67 off US coasts in 2022.

Witness an incredible event of compassion and determination as a humpback whale was freed from a dangerous entanglement off the western coast of Canada. This heartwarming rescue unfolded over four tense days and has been captured on video for you to see.

The heroic team from Fisheries and Oceans Canada Marine Mammal Rescue managed to liberate the whale, which was ensnared in more than 50 ropes, fishing gear, and floats. Paul Cottrell, the marine mammal coordinator for Fisheries and Oceans Canada, shared his awe with CBC radio, saying, “I’ve never seen anything like it. The animal couldn’t open its mouth and then the body wraps.”

The arduous mission spanned from September 2 to September 6, coinciding with Cottrell’s work on a deceased fin whale necropsy in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. “Our team was all there, all our equipment … so we actually went out with the satellite tag with the team and we were able to locate the whale,” Cottrell narrated to the radio station.

The successful release was possible thanks to the dedicated rescue team and provincial fishery officers, as acknowledged in a statement made to USA TODAY.

Watch: Whale rescued after four-day struggle

This remarkable rescue showcases the importance of prompt and collective action in saving marine mammals. Unfortunately, instances like these are becoming more common.

Whale entanglements on the rise

Entanglements of large whales on the West Coast of the United States are increasing, according to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Back in 2007, there were just nine reported entanglements along the West Coast. However, this number dramatically rose to 46 by 2015. Although the numbers dipped in 2020, they have been climbing again, with 20 entanglements recorded in 2021 and 26 in 2022.

Across all U.S. coasts, there were a concerning 67 large whale entanglements in 2022 alone. These sobering statistics highlight the growing need for conservation efforts and increased awareness to protect these majestic creatures from the dangers of fishing gear and other marine hazards.