Teen Is Punished By School For Her Dress But Dad Steps In And Isn’t Happy

Life can be challenging when you’re a teenager, and sometimes you might find yourself in quite an unusual situation. That’s exactly what happened in Northern California, where a dad had to step in for his daughter over a school dress code issue.

Tony Alarcon received a phone call one day that he almost ignored, thinking it was a telemarketer. However, it turned out to be his daughter Demetra’s school on the line. Naturally, he was concerned for Demetra, but when he learned the reason for the call, he was astonished.

It was a hot day in Northern California, with temperatures soaring up to 90°F. Tony had dropped his 13-year-old daughter, Demetra, off at school dressed in a blue romper, thinking she would stay cool in the heat. But the school had other opinions.

Demetra attends Raymond J. Fisher Middle School in Los Gatos, California. That day, she was dressed appropriately for the weather in her blue romper, yet the school considered her outfit to be inappropriate.

A post shared by demetra🌷 (@demetra.alarcon)

One of the teachers believed the outfit was too distracting for the boys. When Tony was informed that the romper was too short, he promptly brought a change of clothes for Demetra, which included a tank top and jean shorts. Unfortunately, the school deemed those clothes inappropriate as well.

Talking to TODAY, Tony recounted, “I asked Demetra to bend over and touch her toes, right in front of the administrator, and I said, ‘Nothing is hanging out. There’s nothing inappropriate. I don’t understand this dress code rule.’”

Despite Tony’s efforts, the school still found the outfit distracting, and Tony had to bring a pair of leggings from his car. Demetra was embarrassed by the ordeal.

Father fights California middle school’s dress code for teen daughter https://t.co/qoTOVO7fJ6 pic.twitter.com/V1tUrOWCTO

— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 16, 2017

Tony said, “You get pulled out of class in front of everyone… She’s just a kid. She’s just 13. She’s not a sex symbol. She just wants to be comfortable and attend class, and we’re not affording her that opportunity.”

This wasn’t the first time Demetra had an issue with the school’s dress code. Just a week earlier, she was flagged for a visible bra strap.

Tony wasn’t willing to stand by and do nothing. He believed the dress code policy was not only unfair but also disproportionately targeted girls. Taking to social media, Tony shared their story, and support started pouring in from parents all across the country. Many felt that the school’s dress code was both sexist and out-of-date.

A post shared by demetra🌷 (@demetra.alarcon)

As the story gained more traction, the school district responded. One official commented, “The Los Gatos Union School District believes that proper dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. Students are expected to wear clothes that reflect the core values of our learning community.”

After much attention, the school district agreed to reevaluate the dress code, announcing plans to make it less restrictive for all students. The principal stated that the guidelines needed to strike a balance and were applicable to both boys and girls. Other items on the no-go list included hats or hoods indoors, visible underwear, inappropriate words or logos, and shorts with less-than-4-inch inseams.

The principal also emphasized that there had always been a dress code in place. “These are standards for reasonable decorum. I do reserve the right to set guidelines for the school,” she said, adding, “but I want to lead with the pulse of the community and reflect the community’s core values.”
