My Best Friend Asked Me Not to Bring My Husband to Her Wedding

My Best Friend Asked Me Not to Bring My Husband to Her Wedding – Soon I Discovered the Reason, Which Broke Me

When Evie’s best friend’s wedding was around the corner, she was eager to be a part of Jade’s special day. But just before the wedding, rumors about her husband James being uninvited started to circulate. What could be behind these rumors? And more importantly, were they true?

Jade and I had been friends for years. As kids, our families lived across the road from each other, so we grew up together. From childhood to high school, we were inseparable. Even when we went to different colleges, we kept our friendship strong.

Two little girls hugging | Source: Unsplash

“We’re going to be friends until we’re old and gray, knitting scarves for our grandchildren,” Jade would always say. And I believed her, especially because she made such a concerted effort to maintain our friendship.

Even when I got married four years ago, Jade shared the Maid of Honor position with my sister. She was involved in every part of the experience.

Toasted cheese sandwiches | Source: Unsplash

Now, Jade’s wedding was only days away, and I was a bridesmaid. Given how close we were for years, she invited my whole family to celebrate her big day.

“Everyone?” I asked to make sure she was aware. “Everyone!” she confirmed, giggling. “They’ve all been a part of my life since we were kids, Evie. Especially your grandmother! Who could forget the toasted cheese sandwiches she made for us? They were the best comfort food.”

As the wedding neared, the bridesmaids took on their responsibilities. I organized the bridal party dinner a week before the wedding.

Jade mentioned she and Matthew didn’t want traditional bachelor and bachelorette parties. They preferred something classier.

A group of men holding drinks | Source: Unsplash

“We want something elegant but also cozy. A dinner with drinks flowing.” Jade was meticulous about what she wanted.

The dinner was a great success. Jade looked stunning in her white dress, with all pre-wedding events having a white dress theme. We spent the evening reminiscing, and a tipsy Jade even sent my husband James to get s’more ingredients from a 24/7 supermarket. It seemed everything was perfect.

But then something changed. Two days before the wedding, as I sipped coffee at home, I considered calling Jade. My nerves had kicked in. I remembered how anxious I was before my own wedding, and I wanted to check in on her.

“Hey, Jade!” I said when she answered the phone. “Just wanted to say congratulations again! I can’t wait to see you at the aisle.”

Jade chuckled, sounding busy. “Thanks! But Evie, I need to ask you something important.”

“Anything!” I replied, eager to help. “It’s part of the bridesmaid’s duties to do whatever the bride needs, right?”

“Please don’t bring James to the wedding,” she finally blurted out.

A shocked woman holding her face | Source: Unsplash

Why wouldn’t my husband be invited? My entire family was supposed to be there.

“What? Why?” I exclaimed, spilling my coffee.

“I need to run now, but I’ll explain later,” Jade hurriedly said before abruptly hanging up.

I was left confused and hurt. Jade had introduced James and me, and now she didn’t want him at her wedding?

A person spilling coffee | Source: Unsplash

My mind raced. Alone at home, I decided to take a bubble bath to calm down. We had a pre-wedding event at a nail salon with other bridesmaids later that day, but after the call, I wasn’t sure if I should go.

Gathering my courage, I drove to the nail salon. Everyone was there, sipping mimosas, except Jade.

“Where’s Jade?” I asked her cousin Whitney.

“No clue,” she replied, putting away her phone. “How are you holding up, Evie?”

“Why do you ask?” I inquired, puzzled.

“Well, I heard that James had been uninvited. I wasn’t sure you’d still be a part of the wedding party.”

A smiling woman | Source: Unsplash

“What?” I exploded. “Why? What did James do?”

“You didn’t know?” Whitney asked, wide-eyed.

“Jade told me not to bring him, but she didn’t explain why,” I said. “I hoped to clear it up today.”

Whitney shared that Jade had been bad-mouthing my husband, claiming he was unsuitable for me. She didn’t want him to ruin her perfect day, even saying he drank too much.

Sun on a woman’s face | Source: Unsplash

I was floored. It seemed absurd, especially knowing Jade had been the tipsy one at the dinner.

“I’m here!” Jade announced as she walked into the nail salon.

I confronted her, but she denied it all, claiming it was a misunderstanding. Despite her assurances, the trust between us was broken.

That evening, I told James everything over pizza. He couldn’t understand Jade’s behavior either.

“During the s’more incident, she wished her relationship with Matthew was more like ours,” James said. “Maybe she was embarrassed by what she said.”

Close-up of pizza | Source: Unsplash

In the end, I went to Jade’s wedding alone. James encouraged me, saying I should go for the years of friendship we shared.

I wore one of my dresses, choosing not to act as a bridesmaid. Jade knew what she had done, and I felt she should be grateful I was there at all.

A woman wearing a red dress | Unsplash

“Besides, your family is invited,” James said. “Go and enjoy with your gran.”

The ceremony was beautiful. Despite the strain on our friendship, I was happy Jade found her person.

Reflecting on everything, I’m left trying to understand the dynamics of our friendship and the betrayal I felt.

After the wedding, James picked me up. We went for ice cream and waffles.

“Are you glad you went?” he asked.

“I’m glad it’s over,” I responded. Even now, I’m not sure if I was talking about the wedding or our friendship.

Waffles and ice cream | Source: Pexels