Trump-Harris Debate Live Updates: Candidates Clash in Lively Showdown

Trump-Harris Debate: A Heated Evening

The first presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump was a lively affair lasting over 90 minutes. The evening began with a handshake from Harris but quickly turned tense as she criticized Trump’s policies, emphasizing the need for new leadership.

Trump did not hold back, attacking Harris on issues such as Afghanistan and immigration. He also repeatedly compared Harris to President Joe Biden, trying to tie their records together.

With Election Day just eight weeks away, this debate was crucial, as polls show the race is incredibly close.

The Rules of Engagement

Both candidates chose their podium positions carefully and remained standing throughout the 90-minute debate. There were no opening statements, although each had two minutes at the end for their closing remarks. Trump won the coin toss for the final statement.

Candidates brought no notes on stage and were only provided with a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water. They could not interact with their campaign teams during breaks.

Microphones were muted except during each candidate’s turn to speak. Both had two minutes to respond to questions from the moderators and another two minutes for rebuttals. They were not allowed to ask each other questions.

President Biden’s Reaction

President Joe Biden shared his thoughts on the debate early Wednesday morning with a post on X.

“America got to see tonight the leader I’ve been proud to work alongside for three and a half years. Wasn’t even close,” he said.

Biden noted that Harris demonstrated why she’s the best choice to lead the nation forward. He was in New York City during the debate and plans to attend the 9/11 memorial services at Ground Zero.

Polls Show Harris as the Debate Winner

A poll conducted by CNN and SSRS right after the debate found that a majority of viewers believed Harris won. According to the poll, 63% thought Harris was the victor while 37% sided with Trump.

The poll comes with a margin of error of +/- 5.3 percentage points. Interestingly, before the debate, viewers were evenly split on who they thought would win, at 50%-50%.

In a similar poll from June, 33% thought Biden won his debate while 67% believed Trump was the winner.

Key Moments from the Debate

Harris quickly went on the offensive, accusing Trump of relying on the “same old, tired playbook” filled with “lies, grievances, and name-calling.” She also chastised his rallies and referenced his indictments.

Trump tried to associate Harris closely with Biden, criticizing their economic record and quipping, “She is Biden.”

Though Harris’s gender wasn’t mentioned, her race did come up. Trump made false claims about her racial identity but insisted he “couldn’t care less.”

Memorable Quotes

Throughout the debate, both candidates delivered zingers aimed at each other. Here are a few highlights:

Trump: “Wait a minute, I’m talking now, if you don’t mind, please. Does that sound familiar?”

Harris: “Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people.”

Harris: “He talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter.”

Wrapping Up

This debate showcased the stark contrasts between Harris and Trump, making it clear that the upcoming election will be a pivotal moment for the country’s future.