The Easiest Ways To Test How Much Your Partner Loves You

5 Simple Ways To Test How Much Your Partner Loves You

1. Don’t call for a week

This approach is often suggested for couples who are in the dating period. Although it may sound a bit extreme, it can be effective. The way your partner reacts to your absence over a week will be telling. If they don’t reach out to you during that time, it might be a sign to reconsider the relationship.

2. Don’t release funds

Now, this doesn’t mean becoming stingy in your relationship. Just try saying no to giving money when your partner asks for it. Watch how they react. If their attitude changes negatively because you didn’t meet their financial request, this could be a red flag. True love shouldn’t be influenced by money.

3. Make a fake call when you are with your partner

Here’s a sneaky little trick: pretend to have a long conversation on the phone with someone of the opposite sex while your partner is around. This should evoke some level of jealousy if they really care about you, indicating they don’t want to lose you.

4. Ignore your partner on social media

Try not responding to their messages or calls on social media and observe their reaction. A partner who cares less about you will likely not mind. But if they truly love you, expect some questions and concerns.

5. Ask for a breakup

This test can be very intense and should be used cautiously. Telling your partner you want to break up can reveal their true feelings. If they don’t love you, ending things might be for the best, although it could be painful. However, it’s better to know the truth sooner rather than later.