The Surprising Truth About 4 Common Foods a Heart Surgeon Wants You to Avoid

Are you ready to have your world shaken—or at least your refrigerator restocked? Dr. Jeremy London, a heart surgeon with a penchant for TikTok fame, has revealed a surprising list of foods and drinks that he believes are essentially nutritional landmines. These everyday culprits may be sabotaging your health more than you think!

Fast Food: The Convenience Culprit

If you’re the proud mayor of Fast Food City, Dr. London’s advice might just revoke your citizenship. He brands fast food as an “edible food product”—a polite way of saying it’s more chemistry experiment than cuisine. With its toxic cocktail of chemicals, artificial additives, extra corn syrup, sweeteners, salt, and colorings, fast food is more like a recipe for illness rather than nutrition.

The American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine even backs this up, underscoring how junk food is a staple in the caloric-rich but nutrient-poor department. Maybe that cheeseburger isn’t loving your heart back after all!

Soft Drinks: Sweet Beginnings of Health Woes

Pop quiz: What’s worse, sugary soda or its diet counterpart? Trick question—they’re both bad! Dr. London dubs all sodas as “liquid d3ath,” an endearing nickname reflecting their role in a host of health issues, from obesity and poor blood sugar control to full-blown diabetes.

UCLA Health highlights that even a daily soda habit significantly spikes your risk of type 2 diabetes. And if you think diet soda is your get-out-of-jail-free card, think again. These artificially sweetened offenders have been shown to boost appetite and mess with your metabolism, affecting your health in ways that echo their sugary siblings. Your best bet? Skip them both for a healthier, zestier you.

Milk Products: Udderly Overrated

On to the beloved dairy aisle—Dr. London says it’s time to rethink your cheese and milk habit. Humans, unlike other mammals, continue to consume milk post-infancy, often from another species. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine warns us that dairy products are a major source of saturated fats, contributing to a buffet of health issues like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s.

While certain studies suggest that low-fat or fat-free dairy has its merits, the jury is still out on its overall health effects. For now, caution might be the wisest strategy, as per our heart surgeon’s advice.

Alcohol: The Social Toxin

Here’s the difficult truth that might make your weekend plans a little less bubbly. Dr. London calls alcohol “absolutely to:xic to every cell in our bodies.” This isn’t mere hyperbole—the World Health Organization lists alcohol as a Group 1 carcinogen, putting it in the same perilous category as asbestos and tobacco. Even if you only indulge occasionally, the potential for serious harm is significant.

Oncologists, dietitians, and a whopping majority of healthcare professionals agree that the risks of drinking alcohol far outweigh any perceived benefits. So, while enjoying the odd tipple might seem harmless, the reality is it’s doing more harm than good.


Let’s break down the stern, yet sobering, advice from Dr. Jeremy London: reducing or avoiding fast food, soft drinks, dairy, and alcohol could be a game-changer for your health. It’s not just about elimination, but also about embracing a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes—a stance proudly endorsed by the American Heart Association.

So, if you’re hunting for a healthier, longer life, these tweaks to your eating habits could be the revolution you never knew you needed. You don’t have to quit cold turkey but making more conscious, informed choices is a powerful step toward a future free of chronic diseases and full of vitality.

Dr. London’s insights remind us that our dietary choices are our hidden superpower. Use them wisely!