If You Notice Any Of These Signs, He Might Be Seeing Someone Else

1. He doesn’t contact you as much as he used to

No matter if you’re dating or married, if he’s suddenly too busy for you, it could be a red flag. If you notice he no longer reaches out as often or plans dates, this might signal he’s diverting his attention elsewhere.

2. Spends too much time on the phone

Have you noticed a drastic change in how protective he is over his phone? Perhaps he’s changed his passwords, becomes secretive about his calls, or is constantly glued to his screen during your dates. These could be signs of him communicating with someone else.

3. He Has New Grooming Routines

A sudden interest in sprucing up his appearance can sometimes be a hint. If he’s paying more attention to his grooming habits out of the blue, there might be someone else he’s trying to impress.

4. He doesn’t want to talk about the future

When discussions about future plans make him uneasy or he brushes them off, it could be a cause for concern. If he avoids talking about next week or next month, claiming you think too much, it might be a sign he’s not prioritizing your future together.

5. He checks out other women

Does he openly stare at other women even when you’re around? This not only shows disrespect but may also indicate his wandering interest. It’s one of the clearer signs that he might be looking elsewhere.

6. There is a “Girl-Friend.”

A female friend who seems a little too close can be concerning. If he spends excessive time with her, cancels plans with you, and constantly talks about her, it might be more than just friendship. Pay attention to how often she comes up in conversation or interrupts your time together.

7. He doesn’t have time for you

Lately, does he seem to disengage both emotionally and physically? Canceled dates, interrupted video calls, and excuses about work piling up could indicate he’s investing his time elsewhere.

8. He compares you to other women

If he starts criticizing you more often, acting distant, or holding you to unrealistic standards, take note. Comparison to other women could be his way of expressing dissatisfaction or could hint that he’s got other interests.

9. His mood swings are through the roof

Noticeable mood swings could be due to internal guilt or frustration. He might feel conflicted, leading to negative behaviors and feelings. If he’s acting out more without clear reasons, it can be a sign something’s off.

10. Fight back more often

Frequent arguments over trivial matters could be a sign of deeper issues. If he’s seeing someone else, he might feel trapped and look for reasons to create distance through unnecessary fights.