For 25 years, a man has been living alone in a cave with his dog

Despite the comforts that come with modern technology and its advancements, it’s quite surprising that some individuals still prefer to use old methods and tools.

Take, for instance, a 67-year-old man who decided to dig and construct a cave all by himself. His age didn’t stop him from taking on such an ambitious project. Working with limited financial resources, he tackled the project with nothing more than basic household tools like a shovel and a cart. Although he doesn’t have a formal degree, he believes people will admire the craftsmanship and effort he has put into his work.

When he started digging his cave back in 1987, he probably never imagined it would become so famous and cherished by so many. The walls of his cave are adorned with a fascinating collection of relics, showcasing years of dedication. Ra Paulet’s caves are so exquisite that putting a price on them seems almost impossible.

Over the years, he has managed to complete 14 stunning caves, and he is currently working on his 15th one, which he believes might be his best creation yet. For a closer look and more details, watch the video below.