Unlucky Husbands: A Hilarious Tale of Double Standards(Funny Story)

Two old friends, both women, had a chance reunion after many years apart. One of them was very curious and asked, “So, how’s your son doing?”

With a deep sigh, the mother replied, “Oh, my poor son!”

“What’s wrong?” her friend asked, genuinely concerned.

“His marriage is such a nightmare,” lamented the mother. “He ended up with a girl who doesn’t lift a finger around the house. Can you believe she spends the entire day in bed, either sleeping, lounging, or reading? To top it all off, my son even brings her breakfast in bed every single morning!”

“Oh dear, that sounds horrible,” the friend responded sympathetically. “And how’s your daughter?”

A smile spread across the mother’s face. “Ah, she’s one lucky girl! She married a wonderful man. He absolutely insists that she doesn’t have to do anything around the house. Each morning, he brings her breakfast in bed. She gets to sleep in as long as she wants and just relax the whole day.”