Why I Never Make My Son Say ‘Thank You’ or ‘Sorry’ Anymore

Oh, the joys of parenting! We all have our unique styles, and each comes with its bag of opinions—wanted or otherwise. For some, it’s the firm hand of discipline; for others, it’s the gentle whisper of compassion. Meet Emma, the queen of the ‘understanding and empathic’ tribe, who has taken to the internet waves to discuss her controversial parenting choices and maybe even glean some advice from the masses.

Emma made a life-changing decision—to break the mold.

“Hello, I’ve always admired your platform as a reliable source where people freely express their opinions on different topics,” Emma, 38, wrote us in a heartfelt letter. “I used to comment on other people’s posts on your page a lot, offering them suggestions and describing my interpretation of the story they were sharing. I now want to hear what your readers think of my son’s situation.”

Emma’s son Georgie is her pride and joy, and she made sure to raise him differently. “My son, Georgie, is eight years old,” she wrote.