How to Stop Body Odor Without Deodorant

Most people strive to smell pleasant, often depending on our trustworthy stick of deodorant. But if you’re looking to go a bit more natural, you might want to explore ways to combat body odor without deodorant. Traditional deodorants and antiperspirants can be effective but sometimes come with unwanted side effects. So, let us share some friendly tips on how to stop body odor naturally without using deodorant.

Shower Right

One of the simplest and most essential steps is to shower at least once a day using anti-bacterial soap. This helps to reduce the number of odor-causing bacteria on your skin. After showering, make sure to thoroughly dry every part of your body, especially the areas where you tend to sweat the most.

Neem Bath

Neem, also called Indian lilac, is a natural bacteria killer. Boil neem leaves (or neem tea) in water and add the water to your bath. Alternatively, soak a towel in the neem water and use it to clean your underarms and other sweat-prone areas. Neem’s antibacterial properties can help you stay fresh.

Wear Breathable Undershirts

The type of undershirt you wear can make a huge difference. Natural materials like cotton and bamboo are excellent at preventing body odor. So, opt for undershirts made of these materials and steer clear of synthetic ones like polyester.

Lemon Juice and Rose Water

You can make a simple home remedy using equal parts lemon juice and rose water. Store this mixture in a bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution to your armpits twice daily. This combination can help keep body odor at bay.

Sage Spray

Sage is not just a fragrant spice; it’s also a natural antibacterial. Brew sage tea or dilute sage oil and keep the liquid in a bottle. Apply it with a cotton ball to your underarms, or use a spray bottle to freshen up whenever necessary. Sage works wonders for keeping you odor-free.

Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks

Your diet plays a crucial role in body odor. According to WebMD, consuming spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol can increase sweat production. Limiting these can help manage body odor more effectively.

Eat More Greens

Incorporate greens like chard, spinach, and kale into your diet. Parsley and wheatgrass are also rich in deodorizing properties like chlorophyll. These foods help boost your body’s natural defense mechanisms against odor.

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt is known for its stress-relieving and antioxidant properties. Taking a bath with 2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt can also help reduce body odor. Enjoying a relaxing Epsom salt bath can provide multiple benefits, including keeping your body smelling fresh.

These natural and friendly tips can help you maintain freshness and confidence without resorting to conventional deodorants. Try integrating some of these into your daily routine for a more natural approach to staying odor-free.