Last week, Mia Robertson, beloved daughter of Duck Dynasty actors Missy and Jase Robertson, experienced a heartbreaking loss. Dr. David Genecov, her long-time physician and source of immense support, tragically lost his life in a traffic accident. For years, Dr. Genecov had been providing Mia with both medical care and kindness, making his sudden absence especially devastating.
Dr. Genecov’s passing has left a void in Mia’s life that cannot be easily filled. He not only treated her medical needs but also demonstrated unwavering compassion and support. Mia and her family, who hold cherished memories of their time together, are overwhelmed with grief.
Mia Robertson considers herself incredibly blessed to have had such a skilled and caring pediatrician throughout her life. Despite the shock and sorrow that his untimely death brought, she will forever treasure the memories of their time together. Dr. Genecov’s love will remain in Mia’s heart as a constant reminder that he will never be forgotten.
In a heartfelt Instagram post, Missy Robertson, Mia’s mother, shared the profound impact Dr. Genecov had on their lives. His generosity and unwavering support provided them with a sense of peace and the belief that they could overcome any challenge. Earlier this year, Mia had her 14th surgery, which she hopes will be the last. Inspired by her own experiences, Mia established the “Mia Moo Fund” to ensure that other children can receive the medical care they need without having to hide their smiles due to financial constraints. Missy and Mia, supported by their loving family and friends, are more determined than ever to make a difference.
Missy’s husband, known for his kindness and helpfulness, played a crucial role in bringing stability and calm to their lives during this stressful time. His presence during Mia’s 14th surgery in July allowed them to face an uncertain future without fear. Together, they have grown stronger, surpassing their own expectations. Each day, they gain the courage and grace necessary to overcome any obstacles that come their way.
As a result of this transformative journey, Mia established the ‘Mia Moo Fund,’ a humanitarian organization dedicated to providing financial support for children in need of medical care. Through this fund, Mia ensures that no child has to compromise their smile due to financial limitations.
Missy Robertson delivered the heartbreaking news to Mia with a heavy heart. Those whose lives were touched by Dr. Genecov will forever remember his inclusive approach to decision-making and his impeccable style. Mia considers herself fortunate to have crossed paths with Dr. David Genecov. His contributions to her journey with a cracked lip and palate, as well as the medical breakthroughs he has achieved, will be unmatched.
Mia’s mother emphasizes that life before knowing Dr. David has become a distant memory. She kindly asks for prayers for all those affected by this tragedy. Dr. Genecov’s work and compassion during times of need hold a special place in the hearts of the Robertson family. They will forever be grateful for the medical advancements he has provided, benefiting lives worldwide.